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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. No, the green dot has to be within the SOI of the other two bodies so that you never get close to it.
  2. To be honest though, after some thinking, I don't think there should be another orange suit at all. I WOULD like this: Default Cockpit Pilots. Each cockpit would have a default pilot or group of pilots. These would appear (if available) by default in a cockpit/capsule/can when it is placed as the root part. Mk1-2 Command Pod: Bill Kerman, Jebediah Kerman, Bob Kerman. Mk1 Command Pod: Jebediah Kerman. Mk1 Lander Can: Salentina Kerman. Mk2 Lander Can: Salentina Kerman, Marie Kerman. Cupola: Bob Kerman. Mk1 Cockpit: Jebediah Kerman. Mk1 Inline Cockpit: Bill Kerman. Mk2 Cockpit: Salentina Kerman, Sara Kerman. Mk2 Inline Cockpit: Marie Kerman, Bob Kerman. Mk3 (Shuttle) Cockpit (Assuming 4 crew cockpit): Sara Kerman, Salentina Kerman, Marie Kerman, Bob Kerman. (Hypothetical 4-crew pod): Bill Kerman, Jebediah Kerman, Bob Kerman, Salentina Kerman. And just to ensure everyone has fun (even the bad mean sexists/misogynists AND the hardcore feminists) there should be an option in game settings which turns off females OR males entirely, and can scale the percentage of new astronauts that are female.
  3. First off, Female kerbals are NOT a priority, and in this case it is IMPORTANT to have female characters, because it will give young women and girls who play the game the same spacey-wacey spirit of Kerbalkind! This comes first-hand from a variety of people whom I've had play the game for a little social experiment. Furthermore, female Kerbals wouldn't take as long at all to implement from a coding standpoint, and the ART team would be the group workin on the Kerbals, something which you don't really seem to care much for. Finally, It's not just feminists who want female Kerbals, it's also not-particularly-feminist women and men alike. My personal reason is because most of my IRL friends are female.
  4. No no no. You can scale UP the Isp and also simply use it for thrust variance with Isp.
  5. Your parts are actually the most vena-stocka-like mod that exists. You might have to redo the station parts pack in it's entirety though. The NearFuture parts are mostly good enough, imo.
  6. I figured out that it is. You just have to make the two SOIs of Eeloo and "Kosma"(idk, Charon analog name?) touch exactly, and they each orbit around a hidden Barycentre gravity source. The trick is that you can't get close to the Barycentre without being in the SOI of Eeloo or Kosma. This WOULD, however, mean going away from the normal mathematical formula for SOIs, you'd need to fine-tune the SOIs so that they work in this special way. I'm pretty sure the game can handle this, but it would somewhat screw with the perfect implementation of the Patched Conics system.
  7. No. Space Engine is the only which creates procedural worlds, Universe Sandbox doesn't. (Well, Ubox2 does) However, Kerbin's design was lifted directly from LibNoise. They didn't even change the generation seed. They just flipped it backwards!
  8. While I think the tankbuttless engines are MAGNIFICENT, I have a feeling that many a Realism Overhaul player would be filled with joy if you made an ALTERNATE pack of these engine have no adaptor/thrustplate/connector at all, and removed the fairings.
  9. YES! The taller fuel tanks DEFINITELY need to be unlocked first. The only advantage of longer tanks really is less partcount. If you unlock longer tanks first you are more limited in what you can do, because you can't fine-tune the fueltank size nearly as much.
  10. Eeloo needs a BIG moon. Pluto and Charon are in fact a double-dwarf-planet system, NOT just a planet and moon. Obviously KSP can't actually simulate barycenters very well, or Ike wouldn't orbit Duna, they'd orbit each other. Still, Eeloo very much needs a really big moon. Maybe, and this brings a bit of a sick stomach to me as well, Ike should be moved to Eeloo. Maybe Ike should be smallinized so that it's a moon of Duna and not a double planet, and another body entirely given to Eeloo. Or maybe Ike and Duna and Eeloo and "Charon" should BOTH be sets of double planets. Thoughts?
  11. Most importantly, I think Eeloo needs a BIG moon. Pluto and Charon are in fact a double-dwarf-planet system, NOT just a planet and moon. Obviously KSP can't actually simulate barycenters very well, or Ike wouldn't orbit Duna, they'd orbit each other. Still, Eeloo very much needs a really big moon.
  12. Does this mean that the Magic boulder is back too? They both disappeared around the same time!
  13. It was over two years ago that I tried out 0.13.3, half a month later I had purchased the full game (0.16). I vaugely remember that it had three RT-10s and a liquid fueled engine, but that was so long ago.
  14. Actually, Jeb Bill and Bob weren't the only part of HarvesteR's childhood. There was also Kirk, Sara, and a few others. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/8995-I-have-found-it!!-THE-ORIGINAL-KERBO-LOG!
  15. The unisex/genderless argument is DONE. They have already confirmed that Kerbals have gender, and that there will be visual differences.
  16. One order of Football Radium coming right up! I'll have a cheesburger, plain, with bacon, cheddar cheese, two cups of ranch on the side, and a side of french fries.
  17. Can you include the nosecone in HGR as well? Also, do you think you could attempt to match the quality (or at least some of the redesign aesthetics) of Ven's Stock Part Revamp for an alternate pack? Specifically the tankbutts removed from the engines and the tops of tanks being replaced with the bulkheads.
  18. You'd probably need to totally remake the mod in it's entirety.
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