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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. I am very happy with you right now. That is now the HypeTrain for the next day. Then HypeTrain07 gets back to being the hypeTrain again.
  2. Unfortunately there's no "Did you mean: Brontosaurus" when you SEARCH for apatosaurus; but that makes my discovery even better!
  3. So if you're using Google Chrome (Or maybe other browsers, idk), the built in spell-checking database will spell-suggest/correct apatosaurus to brontosaurus. If you don't get why that's funny, watch .
  4. I use KIDS of 1.125 vacuum only, but lately I've not been using KIDS. KIDS of 1.125 vacuum only still makes you use big rockets, but it corrects for the unoptimal mass ratios of stock tanks. I would still like to see a mod like KIDS but for Fuel Tank mass Ratios and Engine Mass.
  5. The stock parts are 6.4x normal scale, and 6.4 is actually a round number in computing.
  6. I just remembered something. The 2.5m RCS tank remodelel seems to be excluded from the latest releases. What gives? I know I disagree with the way you remade the part's design, but It's still higher quality than the stock one.
  7. How about an alternate pack that uses 15 hour day as a basis? Also, I had an idea for a plugin. I don't think the idea is big enough for it's own thread, so I'll put it here because I'd be using it with 6.4x. Kerbal Isp Difficulty Scaler is recommended because you can increase the Isp in vacuum (I recommend to 1.125) of ALL engines to negate the effects of the the fuel tank mass ratios not being right. You use this so that you can use stock parts, which are already scaled 64% to real life. How about a plugin similar to KIDS, but it scales the mass ratio of tanks? Then your engines wouldn't have Isps of 400 or so (On an SRB in Vacuum); and you can still use stock (or KW, or NovaPunch etc) parts. It would be a universal fix for ALL parts with Module FuelTank, so you don't have to make special configs for every part. And the engines, unless I'm mistaken, are underpowered from real life, correct? If so, perhaps the same thing that KIDS does can be used with MaxThrust or the weight of the engines or whatever. If these things are done, perhaps a stockalike redo of the tech tree is in order, with things like FL-T800 before T200; and even a few models (hopefully by Ven!) of low-tech engines. Perhaps it could be called "Better than Tiny Kerbin"
  8. The Hatch on the Domed Crewbarrel is VERY Glitchy. I get thrown away from the pod at high speed and spin when I exit, and I can't click on the hatch.
  9. How about a steampunk rover wheel, with a RADIAL STEAM ENGINE at the attachment point/wheel axle/as-the-power-source. In other ideas: I'd really like to see this mod have more metals and victorian paintwork. You don't have to be made of wood and copper to be steampunk. Cast-Iron and Steel are great materials; and in fact many larger victorian boilers use "Hoops" of steel in a ring shape.
  10. Can we have struts as ropes? Copper struts don't really make much sense to me. And have you thought about baking your textures?
  11. I wouldn't call this "Steampunk" so much as "Fantasy". Try solar sails 100 times bigger and then it'll be realistic.
  12. I love everything about this post and want to marry it. JEB HAS A FORUM ACCOUNT! But @Shadowsutekh, nope, it was just me. I'm thinking Avera9ejoe will show up next.
  13. Stream ended, with a total of 12 viewers having seen at least part of it. Also, an interesting bit that I brought up in the stream that's been around since 0.16 but no one seems to know about it: Hold SHIFT on a ladder, and you will be thrown back away from it when you hit the spacebar. Hold SHIFT+[W/A/S/D] and you will go [up/Left/Right/Down] when you jump off. It's super fun and almost no one uses this feature. It can be great for crew transfer on the outside of a vessel when there are inline crew pods and Hatches/ladders. I imagine Danny2462 would have fun with it.
  14. Is anyone else having a much harder time than usual flying planes in a recent-ish update? Would the fact that I'm using 64k hinder? EDIT: It seems that the problem is stalling out. How can this be avoided with gliders? I'm trying to build this:
  15. I'm still go for streaming. I might be a few minutes late due to technical difficulties.
  16. Stream Ended GregroxMun on Twitch "Kerbals will Conquer Space Soon!" Is a 64k playthrough alternate history of the Kerbal Space Program. The "Kerbal Astronautical Exploration Agency" Is head of this. The idea is that it's very "Rocketpunk". The livestream will go on from around 9:00AM to 2:00PM Eastern Daylight Time. (GMT-4) on October 25th, 2014. For more info, click HERE.
  17. I believe talk about religion is against the rules, but then again so is backseat moderating so I won't tell you to stop.
  18. Obviously we all know how the stock Kerbal drag system is horrible and bad. We also know that FAR is a great replacement because it is able to work for a ship/plane of any shape. But how does that work? How does it compare to X-Plane? X-Plane uses [Blade Element Theory] the shape of the vehicle to simulate the air; while other simulators like Microsoft Flight Simulator and Orbiter use predefined conditions for each plane, making them useless for design work. Does FAR just use predefined conditions for each part to simulate craft on any shape, or does it do something more advanced? And how accurately does FAR model the real life aerodynamics?
  19. Or just make the collider/attachment node inside the heatshield so that it fits in nicely there as well; meanwhile the 1.25m Decoupler gets it's attachment node moved up a bit so that it doesn't sink into any other parts.
  20. If the collider is placed in the same location, the heatshield is hidden so that, for all intents and purposes, it isn't there. Heck, even have a 1.25m diameter groove cut into the heatshield to act like a hatch. If not, then okay. Can we at least get a good ven-alike heatshield for the pod?
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