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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Any chance you could give the Mk1-2 pod a permanent heatsheild? Maybe even with Deadly Re-entry support built in?
  2. Fixed that for you. - - - Updated - - - Well that wouldn't really be keeping the stock design would it?
  3. Another thing I thought of which is too small to be included in the OP. I wonder if they could get some kind of procedural system for the ground textures so that there's no texture repetition.
  4. In this famous image http://i.gyazo.com/9aa1cb65624921b7a690abc82e27e0ef.png we see Jeb, Bill, and Bob sitting next to each other. In the Mk3 Cockpit the three sit side by side. In the Apollo Capsule the Astronauts sit side by side. Why can't the Mk1-2 pod do the same? It's something of a nitpick, but I really wish Squad could put Jeb in between Bill and Bob instead of below them. The Kerbal in the bottom compartment just seems separated from the rest.
  5. I mean the randomly generated ones that spawn around Kerbin with contracts. How did they get up there when Kerbin's first space program started just a few weeks ago and the first rocket to reach orbit was launched the previous day? How does Rockomax, a company who's engines have not even been developed yet manage to strand Camlorf Kerman into space? If it's Jeb's Junkyard, however, I can believe it. Jeb's a crazy man, I have no doubt he'd manage a way to boost some guy he got into an argument with into space. How do you think they do it?
  6. I have never had with as much confidence as I do right now say that Ven's Stock Revamp MUST become stock. Aside from the changes to the parts replaced by SP+, Ven's Parts show that the stock parts in Kerbal Space Program as of 0.25.0 are woefully inadequate I wouldn't call them mediocre, but KSP should be able to look as good as it possibly can. Ven's parts are truly amazing and beautiful works that preserve the style of the stock parts in high quality and detail. There's a lot of design choices that are beneficial to the game even without the higher detail. The fact that tankbutts are gone from engines and the fuel tanks themselves have their own bulkheads allow for more customization. One thing I'd like to see is tweakable interstage-fairings that allow aesthetically pleasing attachment from 1.25m engine bell to 2.5m decoupler, and the ability to simply get rid of the fairing altogether. Aside from that, the new Kerbal model and rig developed for the cinematics doesn't have much use outside of the game, and I think the Kerbal model needs some love. A lower-poly variation of that model would serve fantastically. And of course, Clouds. City lights only make sense if there's cities on the planet! As far as planets looking good from a distance, I really want the Mun to look really bright from a distance, darkening as you get closer. Also, the Skybox needs to fade to black when a bright object is in view. Kerbal Diversity and Girlbals. It's arguable if female Kerbals count as merely a visual improvement, but strictly speaking they are just a different head. Variable Kerbal hair and maybe even slight variations in skin color would be an amazing addition to make Kerbals more unique. Also, the above as a loading screen image. Rocket Effects need a tune-up. I notice that every few versions they make a few improvements to the effects, and while they do look better each time I think there does need to be a proper effects system that visually varies with atmospheric pressure. I also think KSP needs more involvement in it's lore. Things like Jeb's Junkyard or HQ buildings for other manufacturers spread around the globe might help with this. If cities are implemented, these manufacturer buildings would hopefully find themselves in or near cities and/or towns.
  7. I think they should look like early 60s rocketry. They're pretty early in the tech tree after all. Anyway I really would like to see a range of 1.875m parts done, they're a great range for Soyuz and Gemini spaceships.
  8. I'm a little conflicted on the mainsail model. Originally I would have liked to see it resemble the F-1 Engine of the Saturn V, but now that the kerbodyne KR-2L is available, I think that'd be a good analog.
  9. Is this compatible with FAR/NEAR? Also: A few requests for after you finish the stock parts: RLA Venalike (Redone RLA Stockalike parts to your style) Kerbal Ven's Parts Expansion (Redone KSPX Parts to your style) Ven's Home Grown Rockets (HGR Parts redone)
  10. So Spaceplanes are REALLY hard in this. the mountains block KSC really well, and the ground is so bumpy you don't dare land on the ground.
  11. I did not realize this! That's pretty cool actually. I just made a guesstimate. I'm now using 0.6, because I like the ability to use tiny rockets in a tiny system.
  12. I've been messing around, and using Kerbal Isp Difficulty Scaler, 0.3 is a good number to make the Kerbal X a one-way Smun-lander.
  13. Here's a dumb idea: Use all of the realism hardmode mods (like Interstellar WasteHeat, DangIt, FAR, DR, Isp Difficulty Scaler, etc.) And also 1/10 scale Stock System mod, for mixed effect.
  14. I've decided on some names for all the planets here. Kerbol->Kerbolita Moho->Mohill Eve->Evie Gilly->Space Rock Kerbin->Kirbin Mun->Smun Minmus->Minni Duna->Duni Dres->Drix Jool->Jill Laythe->Lith Tylo->Tillo Vall->Vil Bop->Kraken Rock Pol->Grain Eeloo->Ellie
  15. Really, it's not sillier than stock? It's literally a factor of 10 times sillier than stock.
  16. They were removed in 0.15 when Patched Orbit Splines came out. "Patched Conics" refers to the underlining mechanical system that KSP uses for gravitation, not the method that is used for predicting/connecting the lines together.
  17. You can't have a circular orbit in real life. The Moon or the uneven pull of the Earth's gravity, or a planet in the Andromeda galaxy will pull your ship off course from a circular orbit. If you ask me, the satisfaction you get from the flickering of a circular orbit in KSP is way more important than the annoyance it brings visually. Sort of like NaN for inclination.
  18. Try re-intalling it. you likely deleted the Squad and NASAmission folders from gamedata. If not, a re-install will still probably fix it. Also, it's 0.25.
  19. The problem is that it's not very well explained, and it talks about colors without using them. I just skimmed through it, confused, and left.
  20. They are called "Curse Words." "Cusswords" is immature and improper grammar.
  21. Kerbals will have two separate looking genders. Female Kerbals are planned in beta, according to Maxmaps.
  22. I designed this to put up in the halls of my school a few days ago. This morning I made one of the Mk1-2 Command Pod as a Kerlington advertisement. All of it is done freehanded from memory.
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