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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Always! Don't let Jedi win you over with newfangled tech, when the HypeTrain is and always shall be the classic! EDIT: Avera9ejoe has made me a happy Kerbal indeed.
  2. We don't have screens (they wouldn't fit in the coaches anyway). We have Occulus Rift VR goggles.
  3. Well, We just put on a Hype-powered processor into the main computer core coach that adds all mods, versions, etc, toggleable with merely thought.
  4. Here's something from the archives! It's a picture of the 2nd HypeLoco! Hype02 was built especially for the HypeRailway.
  5. So, every mod in existence, eh? Even the crappy one I made as a joke that turns Kerbin into Gilly and makes all parts rainbow-colored? Even without that, there's going to be a hard time navigating through all those pages of parts. What's that noise? Oh, that's your passengers moaning that it takes them a minute to find a Strut.
  6. HypeSteam-powered as always. She's broken down though, can't go faster than 2 Miles per HypeHour
  7. Will these buildings look prettier in the future? These simple boxes look... Erm... Un-splendid.
  8. Looks like I chose a bad time to stop . Oh, nevermind, I shall add On-Rails entertainment! [commschannel]Lower the Oculus Rift VR goggles from the ceilings! Yes the Hype-colored ones! [/comms] Those Occulus Rift VR goggles are plugged right into the movie Unstoppable. for the kids, Thomas and the Magic Railroad! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo7Jrkf0VNo Okay, so that one wasn't very hyped up... Actually, this movie is lame. Waiter? I'll have another movie please. Let's just let the kids PLAY KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM! And the adults, too! So, yeah! Beat that, Mr. Jedi!
  9. Stopping HypeTrain for a minute or two too lubricate it with Purified Danny Juice. The below videobucket of fluid is a sampling of Danny Juice.
  10. It should ALWAYS be HypePlane Naaaa. Out of hand = MOAR HYPE! Fixed it fore you I think overloading the servers was unrelated to 0.24 HypeTrain. Yes. Anyway, what we need is a really good KSP Streamer like MatoroIgnika to pump up the HypeTRAIN, and making sure to use proper Hype Music! Hype will really kick off on (hopefully) the last days when the media group unleash their videos. - - - Updated - - - That might be the goal
  11. As the official HypeTrain driver, I feel that I should make the KSP Replica of the HypeTrain07. Here's the HypeTrain the craft is modeled after. Feel free to make your own replicas and share them here! Just don't model it after an American engine! (NO COWCATCHERS) here's my HypeTrain07 replica in KSP. It's a magnificent sight! It even has a separate tender! Based on the proper LMS Stanier Black Five engine! EDIT: Here's the DL link https://www.dropbox.com/s/5rpvbe7hl7rxg8r/SPH.zip?dl=0 Just put the two .craft files into the SPH folder of your ships folder. You must dock the two crafts together separately by taking the Engine, moving it CAREFULLY off the runway, then loading the tender, then backing the engine up to the tender. The Engine seems to help with the not tipping on the sides of the runway, but you must go very slanted or the front and even the back will explode! This replica is very fragile!
  12. Awake now, and back at the controls! Also, to whom it may concern, The HypeTrain does have brakes. It would be stupid to assume it doesn't! I just broke all the brakes.
  13. It's on the Hypeunion Pacific Railroad! I see, you're using american designs! (I'm american, but I prefer British designs!) Anyway, I'm going to the sleeper coach for real now until morning.
  14. here's my HypeTrain07 replica in KSP. It's a magnificent sight! It even has a separate tender! Based on the proper LMS Stanier Black Five engine! EDIT: Here's the DL link https://www.dropbox.com/s/5rpvbe7hl7rxg8r/SPH.zip?dl=0 Just put the two .craft files into the SPH folder of your ships folder. You must dock the two crafts together separately by taking the Engine, moving it CAREFULLY off the runway, then loading the tender, then backing the engine up to the tender. The Engine seems to help with the not tipping on the sides of the runway, but you must go very slanted or the front and even the back will explode! This replica is very fragile!
  15. you're not even the pilot of the HypePlane! - - - Updated - - - This guy's sig is inaccurate. Here's the proper HypeTrain for 0.25! http://i.imgur.com/6QrZt2T.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KY4MWKi.jpg
  16. So far, HypeTrains are the largest minority! Splitting up Shuttles and Planes was a great idea! [/evil]
  17. Yes, But only if the HypeBus is coupled to the rear of the HypeTrain. - - - Updated - - - Those are just regular fighter jets! And yeah, I couldn't sleep so I'm back at the controls.
  18. Going to the sleeper coach for now, leaving the train under the control of the machine I put together out of scrap to hold the regulator up and shovel HypeCoal into the HypeFireBox
  19. Mr. Grumps is at it again. It's a game for FUN! You don't have to ruin other's fun!
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