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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. You don scrued up, medya teme! 2 days has caused Hype to die. For me, at least.
  2. I will be going retrograde. I actually found out around 0.18 or so that if you want your Apollo Style craft to go around the Mun's backside for insertion, you have to go retrograde. I was confused at this, as I thought that surely they would have gone prograde. - - - Updated - - - Frizzank Aeronautics and Space Administration (FASA) mod.
  3. Does anyone know when the Midcourse correction took place? EDIT: Never mind, it took place on day two.
  4. Great, AND It's Apollo 11's liftoff date! My Apollo Redirect Mission save was deleted, so I am just using the FASA Saturn V instead.
  5. Will be updating this page with every major event! Transmunar Injection is next, in about an hour and a half. (Exactly 11 o'clock) (Exactly 11:11)
  6. 64 bit is the same (yes, identical!) in 0.24 as the community hack, so just go ahead and use that.
  7. The whole Bureaucratic/Financial part is meant to take place on the (actual-ish) Earth. You're exploring the Microverse using probes. But I'm suprised you didn't just cause the lander to engulf the solar system and drop the framerate to 0.000000000001 FPS, then have your computer explode, along with NovaSilisko's.
  8. UUUUUUG It's been 2 hours since I woke up and still no 0.24!
  9. Agreed. Although high-powered amateur "sounding" rocket could test a Sat in near-vacuum free fall environment.
  10. Well now it's tomorrow, WHERE'S THE UPDATE!
  11. I've managed a booster design which barely works, but it's got an 80% rate of success. The first stage launches vertically, the second stage continues firing to bring time-to Ap up. The Booster has to be switched to before it hits 30km, or it will unload. I switch to it and I fire backwards until the path leads to KSC. Then I switch to the second stage and circularize the orbit. I rarely end up with maneuvering fuel to spare, and sometimes I don't make orbit. I REALLY hate the "no switching vessels in atmosphere" part. I wish they would add some kind of "autopilot" module which really just allows a vessel to be fully loaded during the whole time if it has the part attached. Not an actual Autopilot, but it sort of fills the purpose.
  12. I just helped him reach Kerbin orbit! It was a very inefficient design, but he got to a (retrograde) orbit and back down safely! The first flight was... Disasterous. Jeb heroically escaped barely with his life. Then I showed him the ASAS. Bill had a much nicer ride.
  13. He's got me for experience. Besides, 0.24 is going to be out very very soon. He's got the KSP Demo now, And I'm telling him how to play it.
  14. Yeah, that's why I was confused. It was, I believe, In 0.15 they made it default at 0% throttle, and now they're bringing it back.
  15. I've written up why there are orbiting Kerbals.
  16. I still vote for Geosyncronous Transfer Orbit (Using the launch stage, not the CubeSat itself), with an Estes booster to raise the Perigee or Apogee when needed. But One thing's for sure: A Kerbal Space Program Community Publicity Stunt needs to have an Estes motor. A C6-P motor would provide plenty of impulse, and it's be dirt-cheap. An Electrostatic Propulsion system for a 3U cubesat would increase the cost immensely, not the least because the CubeSat itself would cost much more. If we can't go for GTO, a Moon flyby with an eventual gravity-assisted De-orbit would be cool. Especially with a camera to observe the Moon. I really don't think we should aim too high for a publicity stunt. But if you insist on breaking the boundaries, Then Phobos would be the ideal mission, but we would need to accommodate the extremely expensive Electrostat. Best case scenario we land on Phobos and we take pictures from the surface. Even better if we can manage to do some mass-spectrometer and take some sample of the surface. If only Earth had a Minmus orbiting it. Then we could throw a Cubesat at Miinmuus. If Asteroid Redirect Mission happens IRL before we complete even building the CubeSat, We could rendezvous with the Asteroid. L1 or L2 wouldn't be at all fitting for a Kerbal Community mission, for Kerbin has no Lagrangian points. And, as the Official Jebediah Kerman of the Community Space Program, I DEMAND Model Rocket Engines!
  17. Yes, this was the Mun, and it and Kerbin had terrain no higher than 600 meters. I tried landing on the Mun vertically with the big long stage, but the engine broke off. When I realized I was tipping, I staged to the next bit, where that engine snapped off. I then fell over safely and begun using the rcs jets to make this a rover. I got about that far before the terrain broke the Command Pod off. Here's my "rover" continuing on.
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