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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Looks like I forgot about this thread. Just have a mod close it. EDIT: Or just have it run by someone else, that would be cool.
  2. I thought you meant the USS Constitution, NCC-1700, the prototype for the original series USS Enterprise.
  3. There, I forgot about STEADLER Corps discovering the third law of motion.
  4. On another note, I really want a standalone KS-25 and KR-1 Engine for 1.25 meter parts.
  5. Includes Jool and Kerbin for scale. Includes Laythe and Tylo. Includes Kerbin, Duna, Eeloo, and Dres. Includes Moho, Eve, Gilly, Mun, Minmus, Bop, Pol, and Vall. Kerbal Drawings Star Trek Stuff Wernher von Braun's Rockets. Navy/USAF Rockets Kerbal-Proportioned civilian Cars. (That Kerlorean uses LV-T pieces and the Time Circuit Control Chip is an RGU. The original rear wheel is missing. All Kerbal Engines from Stock, RLA Stockalike, KSPX, and HGR. Without any shrounds and thrust-plates. Soviet Kerbal Launchpad. Soviet Kerbal VAB. Steampunk VAB.
  6. My Star Trek Kerbal Space Program. I designed the tools with the Kerbal's mittens in mind for use on EVA. The Ship and Shuttlecraft are given the color scheme and shapes of a Kerbal Rocket. Silver metal with rivets, black/white striped Nacelles, etc.
  7. has someone made a good stockalike texturepack yet? I'm thinking shininess on the silver rockomax tanks, all gold foil, the orange tops of Kerbodyne tanks, slight reflection on LV-T and Skipper and Kerbodyne engine extension, and heavier reflection on the mainsail and Kerbodyne KR-2L engine bell above the pipe, which has a faint reflection. Windows would be glossy, and so would the Hitchhiker Storage and Science Lab.
  8. I HATE tweakscale. It doesn't make sense that you could just magically rescale parts. I don't even care for procedural parts either. PLEASE do not go down that path, Kerbfu.
  9. What I've seen here is truly an epic win for the "Apollo" Programs of the KSP Community.
  10. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much talking at the beginning. 1/3 of the video is talking with no music.
  11. You made Kerbin? Kerbin's mother has some stretch marks that disagree with you.
  12. "We have to conquer space for Habitat!" YES! EDIT: I just realized that room and space are the same in german. That explains the phrase "Raumfarzeug" or "Spacecraft" Raum being Space.
  13. I think once Kerbals transfering between command pods is implemented, Airlock parts will be able to get Kerbals out of a ship as well and the HSC and Command Pods have a longer time to get out.
  14. The decoupler can be fixed by making the physics singificance = 0 (on) in the part config file.
  15. That cyclotron doesn't look very stockalike... And I don't really like the glowing lights.
  16. Depending on how the redesigned parts in the update are mdae (I believe they said they were making sure all parts were in the same art style) will you be redesigning the spaceplane parts as such?
  17. Well the Stretchy parts make it a minus 75 points unless you are using RSS or 6.4:1 Kerbin.
  18. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84978-0-23-5-Stock-Drag-Fix :) Very Amazing, yes.
  19. I've been waiting for this for a long time! I have hated FAR due to the fact that if you point your rocket too far off-center, it flips out and undergoes Spontaneous Unplanned Disassembly.
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