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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. I know that Kerbals make up a huge part of the game. They have barely been touched by a dev since 0.16 (well, there were bugfixes and emotions in 0.19 and previous versions), and yet they add the character of the game. The Kerbals have photo-sourced textures, which the devs have said don't fit in the game well for any other thing. I think Kerbals need a texture upgrade so they are hand-painted like everything else. Furthermore, their jetpacks are way too small. They are the size of a SAFER but have 100 times the Delta-V. I think they should be more like the Manned Maneuvering Unit. Multiple suits: Mk1 EVA suit Basic silver-colored EVA spacewalking suit. Kerbals are tethered to the Command Pod hatch and carry a thruster gun with tiny amount of Delta-V, and can crawl up the tether to the hatch and enter it. It walks very slow, and you are limited to 30 feet from the hatch. May be useful for Gilly or Pol. (Gemini EVA suit) Mk2 EVA suit This suit can only be worn when on the surface of a planet. It can not walk very fast, running in low-G will be a quick skipping/hopping motion. Designed for the Mun, Minmus, Duna, etc. (Apollo EVA suit) Atmosphere Suit This suit can only be worn in 0.6-10 atmospheres of pressure. Designed for Eve, Laythe, and high altitudes on Kerbin. You can run easily with this suit on. (basically souped up SCUBA gear) Flight Suit Default suit when spacecraft is launched from runway. The first line of defense is the cockpit/capsule. (Veteran IVA suit) Jumpsuit Kerbals can change into this when in orbit, to be more comfortable. (the blue Kerbal Recruit suit) Backpacks EDIT: Look HERE Life Support w/ KMU Kerbal Maneuvering Unit with the current default amount of Delta-V, but much bulkier. It could also be stored on the outside of the vessel KAS style. KOOSE A small inflatable spacecraft with a heatsheild, small RCS jets, and retrothrusters. The Kerbal hangs on (works like a chair, looks like a ladder, and he hangs on to the joystick controls.) and can re-enter the atmosphere safely without burning up. Parachutes Just... Just parachutes. More Uses for EVAs Look HERE as well. Welding docking ports This is done as a sort of "Common Berthing Mechanism" Where a Kerbal goes on EVA to connect a docking port with more structural integrity, by merging it into one part. (I know this has been suggested before) Placing Struts and Fuel Lines Ever wanted to build an asparagus staged craft in orbit? Need to make your interplanetary booster stage not wobble so damn much? Let Kerbals go out and place struts/fuel lines. Repairing Remember that picture of the toolbox Claira made that was shown in a devstream? basically, if a solar panel (not the big ones, obviously) or a battery gets broken, a Kerbal can fix it with the tool box. Stripping the Wings When there are further planets and solar panels get useless (or when the sun gets the inverse square law applied to it and the solar panels become useless) You can strip off the solar panels (yes, large ones) and actually have a weight difference. Aesthetics/Diversity Texture Cleanup As Earlier mentioned, I think Kerbals could use a texture cleanup. Use of hand-painted textures to replace the photo-sourced textures which the Devs have confirmed that they frown upon. In particular, the back of Kerbal heads have a gap in the hair texture, and the space suit has obvious flaws, such as the oval lights and the oddly twisted hose on the front. Variable looks I am not a fan of the cloning idea of Kerbals, and even the minions have some diversity. that said, It'd be cool if Kerbals could have some slight height variation, head thickness, eye size, etc. This could be defined by pseudo-random values in the Kerbal Generator, with Bill, Jeb, and Bob's heads being 1 on the scale of all of them. If I recall my slight toying around with unity, models can easily be stretched around, so you won't even need a procedural mesh or anything. Furthermore, Kerbal women could be added, with a slightly rounded head. hair I'm not sure if Kerbalizer hair would be easy, but making texture variations on the head is easy. But the problem with Universe Replacer is that Kerbal hair is totally randomized each time. That means if Jeb gets blond hair and lips one moment, he'll be Chris Hadfield the next (well, after an EVA). EDIT: TextureReplacer has since fixed this probelm completely, even adding special female tags for names and head textures. Just put in HairType = 1 HairColor = <RGB VALUE HERE> This would be blond military-cut hair. There could be as much as 20 styles, and the Kerbal Generator would choose one randomly, and pick a color. Hair With Kerbalizer If Kerbalizer hair is implemented (just the same as different hair textures, only it uses extra models instead of textures), then we can seriously talk about letting Kerbalizer Pro users make their own custom Kerbals. Even so, you could just go into the .cfg and make one. SCIENCE DAMMIT EDIT: THIS EDIT2: MADE RELEVANT IN STOCK. Kerbals with high stupidity have terrible science reports, and science research and crew reports can teach them to be less stupid. Further, Hitchhiker Cans should have special biology experiments and some computer consoles and look less like a cylindrical can with drawers and not much else. Seriously, the HSC is boring COURAGEOUS DAMMIT EDIT: THIS EDIT2: SORTA MADE RELEVANT IN STOCK. Kerbals with low courage can increase their courage by doing crazy things, like experiencing high-gee forces, or surviving an exploding rocket launch. Special Crew Reports -First Kerbal In Space: Orbiting Kerbin in the spaceship, you see how beautiful your planet is. You think we must preserve and increase this beauty, not destroy it! -First Kerbal on the Mun: That's one small step for you, a giant leap for all Kerbals. -First Kerbal on Minmus: "Woah, That's one big step!" -First Kerbal on Gilly: "One small step for [First Kerbal on Mun], but it's a moho of a leap for me!
  2. Is it just me, or does the jetpack have WAAAYY too much Delta-V for it's extremely tiny size. That looks roughly like a SAFER, which has roughly 2 m/s dV. The Manned Maneuvering Units had around 20 m/s, and the Kerbal jetpacks have an extreme 500 or so m/s dV. I don't want the jetpack's dV reduced, but I would like it if it's size reflected a much higher dV. I would love to see a Kerbal with a huge MMU. WAIT I MADE A BETTER THREAD HERE LOOK AT IT
  3. I have given SpaceOddity permission to repost because I have not seen it. you must otherwise PM me for permission to break any rules.
  4. Billy-Bob is a prefix, but it has to have a suffix. And it's Billy-Bob, not Bob-billy.
  5. Gregry Kerman. (not Gregory, because that suffix doesn't exist, there is Gregoly though.) "Alright, let's use our EVA pack to go from the Kubble to the KSS and then the Kerbese station, alright Stone?"
  6. It's really not that bad.
  7. RCS STONE! PLEASE USE THE RCS TRANSLATION! THAT'S HOW YOU GET TO THE CHINESE STATION! This was teh best movie I have seen in a long time. It's orbital mechanics were by no means close to accurate BUT I STILL LOVE IT!
  8. Here's my Stock Skylab and Kerbal V http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/stock-kerbal-v-stock-craft-style-spacelab-and-kerbal-ib/ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/stock-kerbal-v-stock-craft-style-mun-rocket/ The spaceport links have forum thread links in them.
  9. I guess I have no place to tell you how you play a single player sandbox, but StretchyTank-one-stop-shop type mods should not be implemented, same with procedural wings. I do use them when I build planes, but They do not fit with the modular style well at all. Procedural Fairings, with a little work, I see as the only good way to implement fairings into the game. I think there should be a new tab for fairings (like Parts, Action Groups, and Crew tabs) and they should be tweakable to the player's whim. Tweakables themselves is a good way to get the exact amount of fuel you need. Mods are there not just to solve problems, but add new aesthetics. Stockalike parts are parts that are really needed to fill an empty niche in stock parts. Plugin mods add new features entirely.
  10. I HATE OP PROCEDURAL PARTS. Stretchytanks are the go-to solution for everything. you could literally delete the other fuel tanks. That is hindering gameplay. KSP is about modular pieces. I do however support procedural fairings, as they are cleaner than KW or NPR fairings and don't replace an extremely large range of objects. A procedural Engine, for example, would replace every other engine.
  11. just until the 40 minute mark so it fits in one class period.
  12. w pitching down and s pitching up is standard in flight simulators.
  13. Welcome to the bi-monthly science fair! (Bi-monthly as in every two months) This is a basically pointless challenge, and will be judged not upon points, but rather by people! You must apply the scientific method to your entry, and make it prettyful. The point is to promote more science in KSP, rather than aimless playing-around. It may even end up bringing breakthroughs in what is possible in KSP, and this will doubtless give you a higher grade. Now, just because it's pointless, does NOT mean it is guideline-less. GUIDELINES/RUBRIC *Not absolutley required. Each item you will get negative 1 to positive 4 points, these will be averged together into the judge's own score, which and the average between the judge's results will be put in as a score. -You MUST use the scientific method. -You can submit your entry on the forums, or as a *Microsoft Office (Slideshows and whatnot) or *WordPad document. Your entry can consist of *multiple mediums in one entry, Including *video. You must have pictures. You will be judged on the amount of pictures, and their relevance. -*Your entry should have some bearing in practical use in KSP, Such as "What engine to use? or "How so I keep a Kerbal alive?" -You may use any mods other than Over-Powered mods, you may use hyperedit or debug-cheats, as long as it falls into the context of your project. -You may use any version of KSP, or even *multiple versions of KSP. -You must imbed the images, no links, if you are using the forums. -YOU MUST USE LAYMEN'S TERMS, NOT FOR MY SAKE, BUT FOR THE OTHER JUDGE'S SAKE. -AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU RESUBMIT ANYTHING FROM A PAST SCIENCE FAIR!!!!1!!one CATEGORIES Of course, there will be more than one winner, 2nd, and 3rd place prize. General: Where everything else goes. -Ground-Based Physics: This involves gravity, force, motion and stuff that happens on or near a planet's surface. -Air: This involves anything to do with planes, aside from competitions between planes and other types of vehicles, those go in general. I recommend using Ferram Aerospace Research, unless you want to use specifically KSP default air physics. -Space-Based Physics: This involves gravity, force, motion, and stuff that happens in space, that is, Weightlessness or Orbital Physics. -Rovers: Anything that involves the ground, but not quite hard physics goes here. -Rocketry: Anything to do with efficiencies, thrusts, and physics of rockets. PRIZE FOR WINNING 1st Place: Lots of bragging rights! 2nd Place: Some bragging rights! 3rd Place: A little bit of bragging rights. Runners Up: Barely any bragging rights. Participants: Awesomeness for putting together something scientific! My Entry: (I get to resubmit because this is just an example) (must download to view pictures) Microsoft Word File Rich Text File ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ reserved for judging ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ link to old June thread
  14. I forgot, but I don't have enough time to do this. If anyone wants to pick this project up, I'd be happy. The winner was chosen, but I can't find who it was. EDIT: It was The Jedi Master who won, and I will be picking up this project myself.
  15. I agree. I think it should be in between the windows on the front side. The IVA could use a rework to bring it up to standards, and to make it so that Jebidiah (or whoever is in the center seat) is sitting in-between Bill and Bob.
  16. If you buy through KSP.com, you can share it with your friends. It is also easier to aply mods.
  17. oh kod, it even has a basic kerbal imprint.
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