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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Oh my god. PLEASE INTERSTELLAR PLUGIN MAKE IT LOOK THAT WAY. God, it's beautiful.
  2. I started in 0.14.3, so I came back a long way. I chose both 0.18 and 0.17. 0.18 docking and probes, huge step. But it wouldn't be worth it without the planets!
  3. You should really call this "Manley mode landing"
  4. It looks exactly the same- even the stairs! But anyway. MORE SEXY SATURN V AND N-1s
  5. It's actually quite easy once you know how to do it- eventually it basically becomes a sandbox.
  6. It's quite a nice game. But for me, it's KSP. It's rocket sceince! But DF, from the backround it looks like confusing. Now, if we combined Civ with it, then there we go!
  7. I never seem to use much electricity- keep the SAS off when you aren't using your engine. The command pod only uses electric chrage when turning. I don't know how you run out of electricity, just saying.
  8. I've never actually built one. I was going to but then my save corrupted. So I'm starting a new one. I forgot the solar panels, next mission.
  9. Puppy don't care. It's cuteness makes everybody surrender. The power of cute.
  10. Good luck and may the explosions be with you.
  11. There is a typo on the pictures of the craft- then say IX but it's really the XI version.
  12. If you can help Kmp fix the 50 bugs they have, that would be amazing. Perfect MP.
  13. I use KW rocketry, so I've already got it to that point. I needed about 5000 science to max out the tech tree, which I did. Apparently the enterprise can handle a 100 m/s crash landing on Moho. Hehe. I also reccommend some sort of powerful RCS for impulse engines, because it's hard to not go to warp at low throttle. and perhaps some turning RCS or better reaction wheels, because it turns a tad bit slow. I felt bad because I felt like I was cheating. But who cares when
  14. Using Alpha-10, I was in orbit when I noticed this... The clouds look like they are on the enterprise 0_o
  15. Please, god, like the previous posts say- let's do an actual good war. Not pony everything. Please. Who needs helicopters when you have
  16. It's time. To bring. PUMPKINS TO EVERY PLANET. Somebody who does this gets my rep.
  17. Time to take this everywhere, THERE IS SCIENCE TO BE DONE!
  18. I guess I'll wait till next year for this to be fixed, because right now it's horror. First we tried flying planes near the mountains, but he kept on losing control for some reason, and crashing into the ground. Or the plane duplicates on the runway. So we attempted a station- I was rendevousing, but the other vessel jittered like horrible. Just as im getting close, and doing good, bam it seems to de-sync or something and disappears and teleports 4km away. I get back to it, but get a dreaded nullref exception that causes the target velocity to go crazy. And then it re-synced and I lost control of my vessel but breadfish could control it. I know this is super-early alpha, but why release it at all. Really
  19. Haha. Moderators that don't know a thing.
  20. A question: When I pause the game in-flight, it dosen't pause. Why couldn't I just pause and then sync later? It's annoying.
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