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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Sorry about no progress on the backround. Haven't had much time. At max, I should have a good KSC VAB on Thursday.
  2. I MEANT to do a full docking-space-craft-landing thing as soon as it came out, but sadly I had forgotten the gear. And put a nuclear HOME Module instead of fuel. Ever since then...
  3. There is Subassembly Managager.
  4. I landed a plane on there once and stranded a kerbal. Proof: (ignore the random crashing plane)
  5. Check the dev thread and the middle of the paper. Anyway..
  6. I voted laythe, but I forgot my first probe ended up stuck in orbit, the second landed on tylo. It didn't seem that hard. The first "manned" with rover (0.17 bobcat ind) was on Laythe. Because I ended up in a retrograde orbit, so EXCTEMREREREREME aerobraking.
  7. Hate: 4GB memory limit... raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr This... sentance.... is... I cant do it....... FALSE! *KABOOM* Love: Everythnig else.
  8. Back when Eeelo was first released, I made a station there. It was meant for a lander, but I forgot landing gear on my HOME lander
  9. It can still land. Use the main stage, and then explode it off (I did actually do this one time, the wheels were on another stage, so I had to blow up my NERVA on the mun in order to land with the wheels intact.
  10. Well, I was using the demo. The OLD Demo, 0.13.3. So there is no persistant, so it's impossible. And there was no crew transfer. And no docking. And no KAS
  11. I have no idea. I just searched "space shuttle game" I got this epic game http://www.gieson.com/Library/projects/games/shuttle/ Played it a lot. Found orbier, then freeallegiance, then KSP!
  12. Huh it's nice! BTW will you make a TRON light cycle? Then my life would be complete!
  13. Honestly I think it should be permanaent, its so cool!
  14. I would love this. I want MOAR MODS but stupid RAM limit is hindering.
  15. I'm very confident, I can do plenty of things. Jool is no joke though, it;s still hard to get in a prograde than retrograde orbit. And Moho still eludes me, though I have legitly crashed into the sun.
  16. I must say, It is easy. You just need to rotate stuff and make it fit. And a custom texture is moderatley hard but fun.
  17. Could you please actually give an image? Also, is that 30kb in RAM or memory? If RAM thats awesome, memory *meh* I have 100 GB and most people have more. EDIT: Nevermind just saw that one picture of stuff, it actually looks well.
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