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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. There is definitley more than that, but I don't remember the names.
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mxcvch8l3d73pmb/Carrier%20lander.craft There it is! I think. Requires B9 aerospace, R3 Carrier parts, and firespitter stuff.
  3. What about this one? It's a glider basically. Can land and takeoff on top VAB. If you like it, I'll post .craft.
  4. This looks fricken awesome. Hmmm... Does it have to be stock?
  5. You have no idea... I would say more, but no spoilers here.
  6. Since this is a teaser for something upcoming, I won't say anything more. Feel free to guess.
  7. Perhaps if you hit "control from here" on a probe, it will be required to operate from that. Just a guess.
  8. I live right in-between edmonton and Calgary. So I'm lucky here.
  9. Ok, all of these mods exist. Subassemleys? Subassembly loader mod! You basically described the mod. Also, use F5 to quicksave at important parts (stock game), and if you screw up, hold F9 to load that quicksave, BAM you are back there If you want to go to other planets to test stuff, use HyperEdit. Works in 0.20.2. Also, action groups can be toggled w/o electricity, so that's helpful.
  10. Probably Ion engine. RCS is actually quite powerful.
  11. Ummmm you didn't get it did you. This is like some sort of youtuber station like the IYSS. Only for smaller channels. Not the ISS.
  12. I'd love to do it! http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCdJxri7j0e4u8oG2FbNbWw/about 39 subs, 12k views. Fav vid:
  13. It could be Moho (genus), a genus of birds in the family Meliphagidae
  14. I just took a look at the pictures, didn't see the link the first time xP I actually quite like the custom models.
  15. That is the most amazing thing ever. It looks awesome too.
  16. I absoloutley cannot figure out how to orbit Jool correctly. All my missions end up going the wrong way, for some reason. Polar orbit is no good either.
  17. I tried it, honestly It was kinda boring. 1: How do you get thrusters? I don't see em in the store 2: How do you fire missiles? 3: How did Yogscast spawn on a planet? 4: Is there a way to go fast enough to reach a planet in decent amount of time?
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