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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. I use this to get started. Check out dev section for other tutorials and stuff http://www.alternatewars.com/Games/KSP/Tut1/KSP_Tutorial_1-1.htm
  2. I remember seeing the one on spaceport: (takes a sec to load) However it flew like CRAP, and I didn't get a very dramatic landing. (it did survive tho)
  3. Correction, that I saw on the comments He only made the engine.
  4. Fast forward X4 and watch it. Yes, I have nothing better to do.
  5. Probably, I was about to warn him for double posting xP
  6. I, never ever understood games that the main purpose: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE I've seen it, don't intend to get it. Not to mention buying a PS3.
  7. I can identify Jebediah, but nobody else.
  8. Suggestion: Make it so that instead of moving camera via edge, use right click or something.
  9. He probably meant to say "Now I have the same problem on my PC"
  10. I did take the tutorial, but I never found the hypercoil thruster in-store, only after spawn.
  11. It always varies, but I usually choose 3 man.
  12. Okay.... *mod comes out* 1 day later *worker of the IRL space program joins* 0_o
  13. Well, it's because you don't have much drag anymore.
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