[15:12] <The-Kraken> Winner: Earthbounder The_Destroyer Answer: Linear RCS Port Time: 24.563 Streak: 5 Points: 21 WPM: 7 Rank: 7th [15:12] <The-Kraken> Well done The_Destroyer You're on fire!! [15:12] * The-Kraken hands The_Destroyer a 6-pack of icy cold Kerbol Kola's for getting the last 5 questions! I love this. Also, things like CTRL+Z dont register. [15:38] <The-Kraken> The_Destroyer has moved up in rank: 3rd
I got this one about 20 days ago http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229285 Only $500, runs Just Cause 2 60 fps moderate settings. Reviewers must have bad luck. Perfect shipping and still working like awesome, idk.
Hmmmm... I like IE, its good for a basic browser. But for quickly doing gmail, and remembering accounts like on KSP forum (IE never wants to remember), Chrome. Plus I need it for Fairing Factory. May I?
I deleted my old 0.13.3 photos a long time ago. And, that was on another computer. So.... (there is a photo here, might take a sec to load, imgur is being a FLUFFY BUNNY right now.)
Minecraft is good. I always played single player, and I'm never active on the forum in a long time. One thing to note: If you post a good topic, you will get a reply within 10 seconds.
I loved this mod, and used it ever since it came out. Well, not always due to RAM/Crashing. No longer! Also, idea: Anvil VI: 46 Ton payload. *Dreams* Anvil X, 100 ton payload!