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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Ah... I always loved that little dot...
  2. Nice find. This should go in off-topic or Science labs tho.
  3. I don't wanna see epic failure, I wanna see a good race/launcch.
  4. From now on Im making it at 720P, Hopefully it does better quality >.<
  5. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25594-New-computer-question-The-aftermath
  6. So with my new PC and all, I decided to make a video. Of my fav game JUST CAUSE 2 Next up: KSP! PS: Funny thing during processing. For a second, it said: Processing your video. 17750 minutes remaining xP Also, just realised. Missed the T in To lol. Also, the music sounds crappy, odd. And it uploaded in 240p instead of 480p. Damn YT!
  7. I actually got bored of it when I tried to place a door and couldn't remove it. Good potental, but I need more.
  8. *blankly stares* I actually love the space shuttle launching ._.
  9. Scott manley brought this too us. Not bad game
  10. Yeah I know that, but I've heard it in something...
  11. Yeah. Well, there are some exceptions. I may play it sometime.
  12. Hehe. You remind me exactly of when I first started. Same problem.
  13. WHERE HAVE I HEARD THAT BEFORE It's gonna drive me crazy now >.<
  14. I love the concept, but I would never play it *shrug* shooting games aren't for me.
  15. Yeah this is basically whats happening for stuff like Construction of space stations, etc. I am... sorta suprised that this survived this long
  16. The user above me is a victim.
  17. He. Has. No. Idea. Anybody else yelling things like: YOU NEED BIGGER WINGS BOOSTERS CAN'T BE CONTROLED! ASAS AND T! Painful, but great to watch.
  18. That's even better! *hugs* *Starts picturing massive craft with 100 dragons attached to invade Duna* See you later....
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