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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Removing him as a facebook friend got him fired? That would be a funny/strict boss
  2. Oh that old thing... hehe... I got one. Spore
  3. Another landing, no return yet >.< WARNING: This video contains crappy and horrible old stuff. BEWARE
  4. Upgrade to this. http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229285
  5. It looks... not bad. Also, did you get permission from KW to use the tanks? Also, I could do a review/showcase/whatever.
  6. No. Think of it like this: NASA sends up huge orbital "spacedock. That is the warehouse and spacedock parts, warehouse to store "parts" spacedock to identify it. Then, NASA ships "parts" of a ship, onto that spacedock. Eg: You build a spacedock, then ship 50 tons of "spare parts". This means that you can now teleport a ship that weighs at max 50 tons, and will consume that from the spacedock inv, as if you built the ship from space.
  7. Mechjeb, quit it, then explode kerbals, learn.
  8. The M.C.O.Y agrees with this. (Master Constrol Operator Yogurt)
  9. Not bad, for a first try. My first try was testing an ion engine for landing without ASAS. And it swerved like crazy. Edan was stranded, but I sent rescue mission, (first ever) and suceeded! Since then, I have landed a probe, and a base consisting of (this was back in 0.17, when I was testing Bobcat MK5 "Ant") 4 Ants, one main lander, 1 DEMV MK2 (yes, it is possible to land it without a skycrane), then I left it there. Plenty of smiling kerbals. Well, they didn't smile as much back then {
  10. Proof of landing: Unfortenatley, all my returns are in my OLD COMPUTER. I'll launch a mission and return right now. In fact, I'll launch a base, land them all via a mothership, then return some of the colonists.
  11. Nice. *raises hand* Like OC does it build the vessel 5KM away, or is it like close like it should be, 200m?
  12. What exactly do you mean by "stabilize"? I always found kerbals fairly stable before they have Katnip.
  13. Well, I have no idea about it, so do it if you want.
  14. Electricity idea might be good- a good source, probe pods, consume electricity anyway. Also, RCS still beats reaction wheels, being able to translate.
  15. I'm on the same page. I'm going to delete the plugin, see if struts still work.
  16. You will have some internals soon enough But really, back on topic.
  17. I looked at there, played with it, and had no idea what I was doing.
  18. Yup, no mods. Hogifur once tried to make a mod, then lost a bunch of data.. sad.
  19. Nice, but even on my high-speed internet the dl is taking an HOUR. Edit: redownload, now 10 seconds.
  20. Hello there Pluto, been awhile. I'll see what I can cook up...
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