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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Ok, TD or The_Destroyer is not accepted. My username.... Shhhilent1.
  2. I'm signing up now, will be The_Destroyer. I'll tell you if that changes. EDIT: Whats this "get gold" button? I assume its premium currency, but can I earn gold, or do I need it.
  3. Again, this is not about me asking advice for SSTOS. I was just trying to create a funny video showing my attempts at a SSTO that wasn't really serious. EDIT: Thanks for the move. I forgot about this section.
  4. Welcome to the forums Jak! Warning! Broken image detected. Fixing.
  5. Ah it's fine. I would probably have done the same thing. But, it sure does make a good title
  6. I once got a spaceplane into orbit w/o cheats, w/o mods. However it was huge and needed to be refuled after it barley makes orbit. But my other attempts can be seen here
  7. I know that. But, I was hinting Portal 2. I've seen it already, In fact its in my latest vid.
  8. You didn't get it, did you. I was making this for fun. For laughs. I had no intention of making a real SSTO, but to make something that would probably fail, but maybe not. Just trying to make a video thats funny, inspired by Danny6246.
  9. !!!!READ!!!! Before you reply telling me how to build great SSTOS, that was not my point. I just wanted to create a fun/funny video. So enjoy! So, I finally decided to make a video. Enjoy, it took me an hour to upload it, in 1080P! My highest quality video yet with no lag, + Explosions!
  10. 14) Neil armstrong memorial is floating. 15) Those long strut things make good landing gear. They have very high crash tolerance, it saves this craft w/o parachute:
  11. I was messing around, and put 8 boosters strapped to trusses on a 45 degree, and sent it off. No matter how many struts, they always flew off. But they looked GOOD.
  12. So... is it a good game worth downloading?
  13. Say apple. Only the users who understand can reply correctly. <------------------ BIG HINT.
  14. Trust me, do NOT google bombs. It will not give you the results you excpect. Anyway
  15. I know that feeling. Well, I used to. Anyway, I'm gonna get it SoonTM.
  16. I don't play, but I'm looking at it- staring at it actually. I would be: Username: The_Destroyer (DUH) Plane: Do they have the P-51?
  17. I never used quicksave in version 0.16 and below. As soon as I discovered it, I used it a lot. Admit it. Spending 5 hours getting a massive spacecraft to Jool and then accedently landing wrong is frustrating.
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