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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. I got the same thing too- well, I had it at very high res, but anyway.
  2. Vertical Takeoff, Horizontal landing.
  3. It always moves the entire vessel, however the reaction wheels are only in capsules, and probe bodies (but are much weaker)
  4. The reasons it does not work is because it brings to the imgur link, but not to the picture itself. Simple to fix: add .png to the end of the HTML. Or JPEG, GIF, whatever.
  5. UAV? *Googles* I guess it does. IDK
  6. Was the three posts intentional or weirdness? If intentional, Please edit instead.
  7. Double post again- bad internet connection?
  8. Fixed. Anyway, A: Thats a wee bit OP, maybe? B: Its kerbin at night time
  9. I've gone 100 million M/S. Proof:
  10. OK, this is getting worse. Just had a 5 sec blackout. EDIT: Everything is OK, PC OK, it has calmed down now.
  11. As I thought, it is now thundering a lot.
  12. If you get a message, It's a scam basically, and violates the YT terms of service. Just warning.
  13. @Dim How exaclty does that make a weapon? Crash it into KSC2?
  14. Yea physics suck for sci-fi. But I understand why, and I still like them
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