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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. It actually is quite a great plane- landed at the KSC island. Touched down halfway down, 50 M/S
  2. So I was bored, and built this: I expected it to immediatley crash, and it looked like it would- but I managed to stabelize it. I was only heading north, but OK. Seperation... could have gone better. With only a wing broken, I tried to land- expecting to crash in a wonderful fireball. BUT Suprisingly, this worked very good. .craft: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/cbw4r0jvacucxun/Super%20VTOL.craft?token_hash=AAF0iMrsSMRNh5GuH711jwPVPJMnnZlmvjYElif-aqYrFg&dl=1
  3. It is? Also This conversation reminds me about Enigma.
  4. You. Will. Get. One. Just watch.
  5. Yeah I saw the Gunpont wiki. I STILL don't know how to reload bullets, lol.
  6. Enterprise. Depending on what model you mean. Normandy SR2 vs HALO dropship
  7. Most probably a multiplayer game with mics. With an 8 year old screaming into the mic. With no mute button.
  8. Why? I dream so often, and if It's going from a good dream to insta-bad and scary, I should wake up.
  9. I once had a dream where I said to myself: This is a dream! But I don't know if I actually was aware or if it was because I said "I will have a lucid dream" 10 times before bed. I have had lucid dreams sometimes. Usually when it involves sharks coming to eat me or dogs wanting to bite me, I close my eyes hard in the dream, and then try to open them but keep them closed in the dream. Actually works.
  10. My god. Anyway. Jebediah on a booster. Nuf said.
  11. Maybe I didn't post it at the right time? Or are people just not interested?
  12. http://www.pentadact.com/category/conwaysblog/?K=15&U=24&C0=1&E1=2&C1=5&E2=1&C2=3&C3=1&C4=3&C5=3 Watch the video, tells you all. Since there is no forums, I'm going to have to ask here: I got the revolver, but after using up my 5 shots I have no idea how to get more bullets. I completed the rest of the game (including taking down the boss with a lucky jump) without it, but I'm still wondering how da heck do you get more?
  13. I actually have none. See you soon, gotta get a good pic.
  14. Interesting. Not huge, but tall. Remove all the struts, and get ready for fun
  15. Neat. Also, to continue the chain. As a resident of Canada, and liking space-related stuff, I approve.
  16. I must say good chap, I have almost no idea about British! I'll watch lots of gamechap jolly good fellow!
  17. I got a perfect soloution: Cheat Engine. It's free, your AV may detect its a virus- technically it is a virus to a program to hack it. But anyway, it has a speed warp feature. It dosen't effect physics, so you can go 10X speed with no problems. Assign hotkeys for easy control. Tada
  18. Actually, I would use a fishing rod to grapple myself onto a tree. But whatever. Anyway But as you trasform, you accedently transform into a mouse, where you are hunted by a cat to death.
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