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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Strange, D:SF isn't that hard on the performance. Guess turning down the graphics?
  2. I guess the reason my previous vid was so popular cause it just came out... And this would've been in general discussion, not this black hole that never seems to get much attention.
  3. Good job! I accidently picked two instead of three. Voyager is the best, I love it, tried to make it myself but the VTOL just didn't work, and I wanted animated nacelees. And I voted for the defiant. Defiant is awesome. Borg cube... no. Honestly, I can make one up by building a cube in blender and adding textures. That's about it to a borg cube. ..if you make weapons though, THEN it gets interesting. For my third, I would say redo of the Enterprise D. With seperation. I would use it a lot but it's horrible to look at.
  4. 13 dollars 70 cents on steam. Just remember to buy it! like I did too...
  5. I don't know why, but the last bit was funnier than the first bit.
  6. I don't think you have the patch for FASA in this, the explorer probe got 12 km before running out of fuel...
  7. 9/10 Love the quote, love the kerbal, not sure what the image is.
  8. My previous hyperedit, poor, 0.17, unedited, video, got 1.7k views. So, I made a new one! And I find black holes.. and atmospheres in space...
  9. I would be scared of what a AN-225 would be like... *shudders*
  10. 6/10 Minecraft. Ladies and gentlemen, the Interpid Class. Made famous by USS Voyager. Has neuro circutry, advanced sensors and warp 9.975 capability... ahh... It's so aerodynamic and beautyiful.. stargazer... Constellation class? Did I mention it has armor from Future janeway going back in time to defeat the borg?* *Destroyed 2 cubes. Didn't defeat borg. Okay, back on track now.
  11. Ah... I fell victim to this once. Never again. It looked like windows. But it wasn't. I didn't know much about viruses and PCS back then...
  12. Here's how I design my interplanetary vehicles On top, is a 2 stage or apollo stlye vehicle. Underneath it is a transfer stage, I tend to use liquid engines more than NERVAS because better TWR=Less boredom Then, a "get into orbit" stage. This typically also has fuel left. The first stage is a large, usually 4x liquid booster feeding (could be asparagus, but meh, I got plenty of fuel), typically 2 km/s of delta-v I either go big or go small. No middle marker!
  13. Shuttles people talk about aren't the ones you built. That's a plane strapped to a rocket capable of lifting large space station modules!
  14. Damn you remember that? Wow. I just changed it cause it was my original inspiration for my username. You also forgot to rate 8/10 Kraken with hairdryer!
  15. Very well done. Very good looking. ...BUT Don't call it the largest stock plane. Also, modded... welll... EDIT: Wait. Your the same guy! Well... fantastic. Good job... dunno what else to say.
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