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  1. Otherwise really fun mod, hope to revisit this later
  2. This issue has been reported in the past but nothing has been done to fix it, apparently. When you first open the Snacks menu your game slows down - permanently. NOT just to calculate initially. It's either a memory leak or I don't know. Either way, I consider this mod broken for me. oh well
  3. This mod crashes my game with the error "unable to load 2d texture"
  4. If anyone would like to coop, you can join my server at splendid.servebeer.com:2076 And can anyone tell me how to add the server to the kerbal multiplayer unofficial server list?
  5. Do you have any idea how to add your own server to that list?
  6. splendid.servebeer.com Just started that one up if anyone wants to join, I'm testing stuff around.
  7. It's named after my cockroach, Muniminimuminimumusiyus.
  8. Goo-ee... I can't tell if you were joking or not.
  9. When in mun orbit, burn retrograde till you get a spherical orbit around it. I suggest you land your craft and try again just because of fuel.
  10. My Computer > Properties Hit the advanced tab Hit the Environment Variables button Highlight path, Find your java path and hit edit, replace it with your java path. Question to OP: It appears I cannot connect to my own server after editing everything correctly, does it use your own IP? As I didn\'t see any variable to change it.
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