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Everything posted by jfx

  1. Just finishing a long weekend with my girlfriend out of the country: Unhealthy food devoured: 1 Pizza (I'm so proud) KSP (Just ... one ... more ... launch) Battlefield 3 Skyrim (just got back to it) Civ 5 (successful playthrough) Endless Space (failed playthrough) Cities XL 2012 (was disappointed by the simcity trailer, with a higher budget this game would've been amazing) MWO Beta (sucks at the moment, ditching it) FTL (got mad) Did not get arround to start up Crusader Kings 2 and Torchlight 2 Failed to install Darthmod for Shogun2 (got very mad)
  2. The Learning curve changed dramatically with the new Planets. Achieving orbit: World of Warcraft. Landing on Mun & return: Civilization 5, Prince Difficulty Putting payloads >15t on another Planet and returning them: Eve Online
  3. Duna Express XL I "Centre of Mass Studies" Result: Empty fuel Tanks dont work so well to bring it down - derp. "Insert kerbonaut emotion chart comment" ... like "Still more emotions than Kristen Stewart/Til Schweiger"
  4. Neat idea. But seeing as how the majority of the playerbase struggles to even achieve a stable orbit or yet alone make it to duna ... I can't see how introducing "random part failures" or strapping on moar tons of equipment to deal with kerbol particles will get much love. This might change in the future.
  5. Only Tornados and the occassional stray swiss F-18 where I live.
  6. You should put that pic on reddit and cash in on all that sweet karma.
  7. AMD Processors are no match for Intel at the Moment. In a Game like KSP which utilizes only a single thread even an i3 or a Pentium G will put any AMD FX or Llano CPU to shame. On top of that this is unlikely to change during the lifetime of the AM3(+) socket. If you do a search on this forum you will see plenty of people who get worse performance with a new AMD CPU compared to their old Core2s or similar stuff. example benchmark (I have no idea where this aricle is on the english page, sorry - the diagrams should be self explanatory though) amd fx-8000 gets bested by a cute little sandy bridge based pentium budget-CPU. http://www.tomshardware.de/guild-wars-2-performance-benchmark,testberichte-241090-7.html Techreport did an excellent review focused on frame times recently: http://techreport.com/review/23246/inside-the-second-gaming-performance-with-today-cpus/3 If you check the last graph on that page you'll see why AMDs lineup is a no-go for gaming unless you have to cut into your food budget to pay for your gaming rig.
  8. Don't bother. Modern i5 or i7 have > 200% more performance per core than your old wooden opteron. Also ENB should have minimal impact on cpu performance, all it does is shiv ugly shaders into games.
  9. There are still ways to annoy pirates even without drm, for example the Paradox approach: Bind the game key to a Forum Account (or vice versa) and make the addon forum section only available to people who bought the game. Of course someone with a pirated copy will still be able to get addons through third party sites. But with paradox games this works quite well (you are almost unable to find mods at other sites via google etc.).
  10. Tl;dr: You show off Reddit, the KSP Forums and fail to activate fallback part shaders.
  11. No sound in space bro. What you hear in that video are electromagnetic emissions from those planets, shifted down and plugged into audio eq to make them hearable.
  12. With the way Microsoft tries to push their appstore (and thus their 30% cut for everything that is sold through it) I'd not be so sure about that. Big publishers have already anounced that they intend to go 100% "Free 2 Play" - one reason for this is this derpish MS agenda. With Indys, smaller devs (Planetary Anhilation) and Valve going linux the need for windows is by no means as strong as it was 5 years ago. Microsoft should not overestimate the reluctance of customers to switch to another system. Unlike them olden days, most of us now already have experience with other OSs (OSX, Android, iOS). Games are often the single one reason to stick with win. Whatever ... I did not catch anything about multicore support in there It is briefly mentioned in the teaser for 3.5 but nothing else.
  13. No this does not mean KSP will one day look 300% more awesome with an overnight patch. The stuff you see in the techdemo only outlines some of the new possibilities which come in v4 of unity3d. - character animation system - dx11 support - linux support - improved workflow for devs http://youtu.be/hucBB7mlv0Y Here's the keynote showing off more neat stuff. Also - Unitys CEO obviously fancies the costumes designed for Deus Ex:Human Revolution or something. - Peter Molyneux sucks at PowerPoint. http://youtu.be/24AY4fJ66xA
  14. Sounds like a ****ty shop with that kind of limited offers. Buying a gaming gpu for dummies: Look at the second digit: If it's between 5 and 9 it will be good for gaming. eg: geforce 610 -> nope. geforce 660 -> good. geforce 690 -> monster. Same goes for radeons: 74xx -> lol. 7770 -> good. 7970 -> woah. Of course there are far more details but if you have absolutely no idea this is a good starting point. You can also check older gen. cards (geforce 4xx, 5xx or radeon 6xxx - they are still good)
  15. No, sorry. Don't use an AMD FX or Llano if you plan on playing exotic games or indy titles like KSP - its single threaded performance is abysmal. go for an intel i5 or if your budget is tight even an i3 which is perfect for KSP, etc and will still run heavy weight stuff like bf3 ok. Also your chosen gpu is little more powerful than a fat smartphone gpu (dramatization) but you won't want to play games on that Intel Core i3-2100, 2x 3.10GHz, boxed RAM 4-8 gb of ddr3 ram Mainboard ASRock H77 Pro4-M, H77 or similar Radeon HD 7750 or similar 1gb hdd, 7200rpm 400w quality psu + fluff (case, optical drives) If CPU power becomes an issue in two years you can upgrade to a sandy bridge / ivy bridge quad core.
  16. I took another shot at rebuilding a real world aircraft in KSP. In-flight Images courtesy of Maxim Maksimov, Dmitry Pichugin (from wikipedia).
  17. I think the fuel bug is extremely confusing for newer players. But then it'll be fun to see how all those supposedly "eco" designs will work out one 0.17 is out Also: I use MechJeb all the time. I have much more fun building stuff and doing finetuning (staging, landing, etc.)
  18. Not sure about your KSP but in mine 5 mk3s only allow for 312.5 seconds of 100% throttle on 9 turbojet engines. Magic? Notepad.exe?
  19. Ah I see. In that case: Guillotine paragraph in 6.2 (i) they'll suspend you if you generate more traffic than they like.
  20. A couple points to consider if you realy want to host your own server: 1) People tend to get mad on the interweb. Expect to get plenty of hate if something doesn't work as expected/there's downtime/they don't like the colour of your template. 2) The fact that you thougt raid0 was for redundancy leads me to the conclusion that you're not realy into the matter expect your server to be hacked quickly if you don' know what you're doing and spent a decent amount of time for security updates, etc. Also you need to keep off site backups (eg. nightly mirroring to a remote server). If Billy Bob discovers that his mod "my first solar panel v0.1 ALPHA" was lost because some easstern european entrepreneur decided your server would be a great place to send some "unconsolidated email advertising" from - he will send you a nice little hate mail. Don't expect people to be reasonable. 3) You linked to a plain website template - if you intend to implement all the stuff this project will require (user ratings, mod version history, and 200 other things) expect to spend a lot of time implementing it. OFC this doesn't apply unless you are demigod level in php/ruby on rails/whatever. 4) Don't underestimate the cost of running even a basic server at home. In ze olde Germany running a rig like you described would cost ~ 150€/year for electricity alone (calculated for an idling machine). Most of these points can be alleviated if you use stuff like wordpress on a hosting company. Bandwith could be kept in check if you would allow developers to share their stuff on their site via their (dropbox, etc.) links on your site. This approauch however would mean tons of policying user content. That being said a database like this - if done properly - would be great. Where I live they'd need you to inform of the changes. But as you say there might still a "fair use" paragraph buried somewhere that makes you pay through the nose once you hit x amount of used bandwith.
  21. I hope so. Watching "insertdesertlpanetname" retrogrades at 100x time speedup during kerbin nights would be very cool.
  22. Well if they generate the planets/planetoids procedurally like they said/showed in the video you certainly won't lack new maps . With a standard approach (unsing a 64bit seed for random map generation) you'd end up with ~ 1.844 *10^19 maps. And I'd imagine that each of the stretch goals adds something nice content wise (new units, etc).
  23. We clearly need more awesome videos I'm still in the process of setting up my tool chain (any suggestions for cut/editing are welcome) so here is the raw material of my last test launch (280t KW-rocket with Kethane-equipment payload) and explosive high speed decoupling of the stage 2.5 boosters
  24. jfx

    0.17 Update Video

    Wow. Once this goes live i will buy a joystick again. Okay who am I kidding - most likely it will be a gamepad because of the higher GAF* *Girlfirend Acceptance Factor
  25. Clearly now we need a flight path history overlay to brag about our epic missions Oh and a watermark once debug mode was enabled during the mission. Or a couple of hard to spot pixels which survive jpg compression to expose all the "look me so gud" guys on certain sites
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