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Everything posted by jfx

  1. If searching the internet for a single keyword is a problem for you ... you gonna have a bad time learning to "code".
  2. Seeing how ARMA (II) was -and still is- known as a giant resource hog and for generally having abysmal performance (or simply refusing to work if you had a quad core cpu back when it was released). I dont think mentioning it as a role model was very advantageous. Between the vastly increased loading times and the more noticeable "monsterframe" (µ-]stuttering every 2.5 seconds* i found myself playing almost no ksp at all after the update. ...sorry for image but spoilers don't seem to work. *
  3. Frowned upon? Mashing everything into the application folder is bad practice. And has been since - at least - XP. from: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=3859 imo it is the same under linux. Why should screenshots be in the same location as the binaries? /home/user/media would be much better. And there is no drawback in dumping your write once read never screenshots onto a different partition. By the way you can also right click ksp in steam: properties > local files > browse local files. ... Or make a shortcut. tl;dr: Why is there no .ini file where you can specify where you want your screenshots.
  4. Head to /r/gaming, become a hero Yeah right or even better WHAT IF we reinstuted the draft world wide and everyone would have to serve 24 months in the ministry of silly walks. It is 1/3 of /r/gaming unless a major title is released "DAE hate EA" -> instant 2k karma. Its so childish alas I have long since unsubscribed from that place. But as we know from the age survey not long ago now the KSP forums have a similar demographic.
  5. Yeah because squad have a long history of making great RTS with a singleplayer focus and tons of cinematics. Right?
  6. You can also buy the enzyme you are lacking (Lactase) in pill form. Perfect when you want to eat ice cream etc. It is also not that expensive.
  7. 20.000 would be extremely disappointing for a day when ksp is featured as a pop under on the steam page/client (which has insane traffic during a sale). More like 50.000 to 100.000 for a hyped title like ksp. for comparison: http://hitboxteam.com/dustforce-sales-figures
  8. So basicaly you say the review sucks because you have a different oppinion? The sound and graphic ratings are ok - even flattering when compared to some other indy titles. And children under 12 willl have a better experience when playing ksp supervised.
  9. With the four year old CPU that is half the speed of the I7 while needing double the power? And a mainboard which has neither USB3 or SATA3. And a PSU which is dubbed "chinese firecracker" around here. Sounds like a plan.
  10. It is ok. Just make sure to install another RAM module. Gaming on an IGP with single channel RAM is a bad idea since it has to share RAM bandwith with the CPU.
  11. Your parents and grandparents received the same "hate" because they enjoyed different activities than their elders. dealwithit.gif.
  12. Even as an engineer you may - some day - reach the conclusion that irony and sarcasm only work so well in written communication.
  13. There will be no steamroller this year and it may well be that the current FX are the last enthusiast CPUs we'll see from AMD. The server successor of the current "8" core vishera part will be a "4" core APU part. Hardly what a PC enthusiast wants. http://i.imgur.com/ARd5YWA.jpg http://i.imgur.com/vagRJAv.png
  14. ... blurred lines? Thanks, now I have to deal with that earworm again.
  15. Twenty posts in and no one has even mentioned how pressure affects the boiling point of a substance. I am disappoint. Water as example - note the anomaly: Edit: Googling for above image I had to see some english speaking people use Fahrenheit in phase diagrams. They deserve an auto-da-fé.
  16. Dude. Renewable Energy provided 22% of Germanys electrical and 11% of its total energy needs in 2012. And you talk about solar sails. à ² _à ² There's a reason we pay 0.25€/kwh and it's not high voltage lines which are hand braided by blonde maids during full moons. Oh and geothermal is pretty much dead in europe - it caused prety big earth quakes (5.x on Richter scale) below Basel and a village near me pretty much falls apart after test drills.
  17. Well there are no real alternatives. Stardrive was a huge disappointment for me. Yes it has neat 10 second animations of ultra generic aliens (space wolves called wolvar wow creative overload). But the rest of the game is completely bland except for the ship building part (which gets tedious for the very fat ships). Oh by the way: Endless Space is the steam weekend deal for 10€.
  18. I run a 460 gtx on a BeQuiet straightpower e9-400w along with an overclocked i5-2500k. The builds on the hardware forum I frequently visit tend to look the same (with newer hardware obviously). Also your Amp values are questionable - 43A at 12V would be over 500w - and these are the kind of numbers you get from PSU vendors who want to sell you oversized models. (The 760 has a TDP of 170w). A quality 400w PSU is enough for a mainstream/performance gaming PC unless you go AMD or want something like a 780 / 7970 as GPU. BeQuiet is a solid choice - some of their earlier e5/e6 series had built quality problems but they fixed those since then. tl;dr: Your PSU is fine - you may have trouble installing these RAM modules with the useless spoilers under your cpu cooler though. I always make sure to buy RAM without protruding "cooler" parts.
  19. Great indie title. They let you vote on many things during development (What features you want the most etc.). I bought the alpha when it first came out on steam and since then they added 200% more content. Double thumbs up.
  20. Nuclear fusion is far closer than Spaceflight was for Jules Verne. Experiments like JET have already delivered energy (even if for a very short time). The only remaining problem is scale - which will be solved by ITER. Once that is done the only thing needed is serious political backing (think: nuclear boom after the oil crisis). (sorry, german) You can see how close experiments got to asustainable fusion reaction (dark grey area) over the years Also I don't get the excitement about thorium reactors. They are a huge reddit circlejerk. But the working THTR in germany showed huge problems: proliferation - highly enriched fuel, great for terrorists (Hi NSA). corrosion - helium does not cause it of course but the impurities of the fuel elements attacked the steel parts in the cooling circuit. And with the discussed liquid salt reactors you get a wealth of new problems. The principle is easy. But if you want to run a plant without incident for 50+ years they are an engineering NIGHTMARE.
  21. Looks like one or more hash values.
  22. Once the Kestapo finds out about this thread there will be lots of tears. Lots and lots of tears.
  23. For me piloting in the game is not fun but t e d i o u s. - In atmosphere the flight model is nonexistent. - In space it is: "drag the miniscule maneuver node with finicky controls until you are about where you want to go". Then wait until your rocket spins in the right direction then wait some minutes / hours while it executes the burn. Sounds like fun! (not).
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