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Everything posted by jfx

  1. Use cyrillic cursive http://imgur.com/odBU94z
  2. With your vocabulary we could have guessed which game you were talking about even if you did not mention the title. Or you are just trolling.
  3. Go directly to jail; do not post again, do not collect $200. (Utter nonsense).
  4. nVidia shadowplay, MSI Afterburner, Open Broadcaster Software There really is no need to keep using fraps or pay for mediocre software anymore.
  5. The SP story is the among the worst I experienced. Good thing it's Battlefield and I expect nothing from the SP (BF3 SP was pretty good though). You can't even call it story holes, it was more like story dots. Weak characters, excellent voicework. Some locations were pretty great and the character detail is very good. MP is as amazing as expected and I seem to be pretty lucky (ocassional crashes after some hours). On the new patched (R6) servers and with the fixed join queue I have close to zero problems. The latest AMD beta driver is a bit of a diva with some flickering problems on the desktop w/ multi monitoring). Performance is great on a 2500k / hd7950 / win8.1
  6. Playing the alpha card on KSP really doesn't acomplish much anymore. We ar are three years into development and each build gets internal and external closed test phases (which is one of the main reasons for the slow releases). Also "premature optimization" does not apply if the system you are looking at is dysfunctional in the first place. And when looking at how many ressources are hogged by the loaded parts that clearly is the case. In this scenario it's best to tackle the problem as early as possible - otherwise you'll fnid yourself wasting a lot of time trying to improve the crutch that you are relying upon without accomplishing the wanted results.
  7. I'd say about 9km² around the space center. The rest is empty elevation data.
  8. FAR makes heavy rockets flip-happy. make sure you have plenty control authority (not these puny stock control surfaces). Also your lander is pretty overengineered. my guesstimation is that you'll only need one of the five engines on your lander to land&return from minmus. The FAeRodynamics of these fat landers will always be horrible, so the problem will most likely persist. I tend to launch my brick-shaped payloads at 5-10° and then pretty much leave it at that until 15k. Then I'll slowly test the waters while moving towards the prograde marker. This also requires a lot lower TWR than a stock launch, otherwise you'll end up with a very weird/inefficent ascent pattern and something like 1000m/s orbital velocity at apoapsis.
  9. Not really. - long loading times. - long scene transition times for given (low) visual fidelity - generally low FPS for the given visual fidelity - inconsistent FPS ( -> stuttering) - Ocean LOD causing extreme FPS drops for some people, - AA unusable on AMD gpus because of extremely low FPS when looking at the Horizon and in general - freezes on soi change - lag on timewarp changes in orbit around a body with the new terrain system - insane RAM usage,
  10. Easy from a chemistry perspective. Not so easy from an engineering perspective. -> Too expensive to be viable. Like so many other things.
  11. The worst that could happen? Hm, maybe you start loosing thrust at high speeds leading to you starting a forum thread because they fail as lifter engine?
  12. Dont use jets on a rocket. They are fat, heavy, expensive and clunky to use. Also, start turning gradually (5-10° at a time) at ~5k. I usually start the turn after the long stock boosters are dropped.
  13. Any sound they overhaul will be mangled by the audio stutter anyway so there's that. Aside from that the game's sound design consists of two sound effects with varying pitch + some sounds for splash down, explosions, etc. So yeah it should receive some love.
  14. No, it is not necessary and generally it is avoided - due to the same problems you experience.
  15. Yeah, this should still be possible. I can't make nV inspector screens anymore since I switched to an AMD card last week (sadface, no awesome 3rd party tools anymore) but are you sure there is no compatibility section anymore? (nvInspector needs to be run as admin, otherwise it may not show you all features - just to be sure).
  16. I've been around since 0.9 - so a little more than 2 years now. Since 0.18 the following updates were just: check new features, check new mods and yup boring again. Don't touch until the next update. Did I get my moneys worth? Yes. Did I expect more? Yes. With the technical infrastructure of KSP (physx/unity/squads own code) only holding on at the seams even now and not really improving since the transition to unity3d 4 I feel there is a ton of unused potential due to the limited experience and ressources at squad.
  17. Even if these stages of yours were to be finished within a single update that would mean a KSP release around spring 2015.
  18. Probe with nearFuture reactor+propulsion / b9 sensor package Airflow shader illuminates itself. Time to finally wring out all the remaining science from the mun in one go (and return)
  19. Release of the space action alpha is later this year. Some people expect a full fledged Free-Wing-Eve-lancer-Online-Space-Commander though. They will be disappointed.
  20. It's not only water which is broken. I upgraded from a 460gtx to an radeon 7950 and have considerably worse FPS on/around Kerbin (unrelated to water, performance is worst when looking at the horizon). MSAA brings me down to single digit FPS(!). So my guess is that there is a problem with Unity in general on AMD cards or - more likely - with the way KSP renders planet surfaces. Pretty sad.
  21. The texture loading problems are annoying, but ultimately only a symptom of KSPs broken part loading approach (load all the things, then take ages to switch scenes anyways). The new parts are great by the way. I already started a new career game with them (deleted stock plane parts, and had NearFuture and Kethane installed so RAM was ok-ish but still critical)
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