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Everything posted by jfx

  1. Once again, you don't need another UI since the steam controller can replace mouse input. And if a hardcore strategy game dev says that its cool for his strategy game (and possibly even for fast paces micro intensive stuff like starcraft) you can bet playing ksp with it would be no problem. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=84478985&postcount=4391
  2. You will be able to use the steam controller like a mouse (think: non-crappy notebook touchpad for your thumb with haptic feedback).
  3. You won't see similar gains again. New CPUs gains in single core performance decrease with each generation. Once Intel releases six and eight core parts for mainstream platforms there is a chance that it will stagnate completely.
  4. If people are interested in something, they google for it. The validity of this data is pretty clear - stuff like this is built on top of it. Google has enough reach to make a good representation of what bothers and fascinates people.
  5. One guy still costs money. With a team sized like squads "one guy" is a large share of manpower devoted to a side feature of uncertain success. Interest in KSP is already waning due to the prolonged development process, so the assumption is not exaggerated at all.
  6. Its not so different from building a house. There is a reason it is called "Software Architecture" and "Software Engineering". Much of it depends on reusing "tried and tested" methology, concepts and if possible code. If you want to build a wall, there are a couple of ways that have been proven valid. The same thing applies to a wide range of problems you run into when developing software. 90% of them are already solved and documented.
  7. It is no secret that KSPs development pace is very slow. As a software engineer two points stand out to me: 1) SQUAD seems to be sidetracked easily by non-critical stuff like spaceport 2.0 or by doing stuff like throwing out AWS. As indy with extremely limited ressources you usually don't touch stuff like this with a ten foot pole because there are a thousand things that can go wrong (see: patcher, spaceport, pre-aws content delivery). So using stuff like AWS is a blessing because it is ready to go, proven to work, reliable and requires minimal effort on the developers side. 2) There is still no schedule at all (patch or release )after more than two years of KSP. At this point you should have at least some basic understanding what your team can do and how long it will take you. by not doing so you leave the impression that they either have little confidence in their own talent or no real mission statement for the project "KSP". If you do stuff like this there has to be an ultimate goal, with a date put next to it. Otherwise you get what we see under 1), "some neat side feature? yeah we can add that, it won't take long!". Obviously many will disagree with the above statement, stating stuff like "development takes time", "the last 90% take the other 90% of dev time" ... yes you are right. But you consider that SQUAD has been at this for over 24 months. They are no longer newcommers in the indy game dev sense - puppy license: gone. Its all fun and games until the money runs out and you spent your time bugfixing spaceport 2.8 instead of shipping the finished base game.
  8. Neat. btw, from a marketing perspective you should say 62% less size
  9. No, "outside" is the rest of KSP, outside of the VAB/SPH. Which currently offers cero incentive to redo stuff.
  10. Uranus has no "surface". It is Gas -> supercritical fluid -> fluid -> ice. If you'd replace that with a typical rocky core of the same size the gravity will be crushing since the solid (rock, molten core etc) is much denser.
  11. Hate to tell you but ghz as seen in your image don't tell you anything about efficiency or performance. Tomshardware have some graphs that show how many kilojoule a specific workload (eg encodig a video or opening x web sites) needs on a cpu - AMDs pretty consistently take 200% of a modern intel cpu there - which does not surprise - Intel does have a 2-3 year lead in manufacturing compared to everyone else.
  12. A game engine with proper multithreading, asset management and streaming which is not implemented in a managed language.
  13. Temperature reporting on AMD tools has been broken since Phenom I. All fun and games until the next power bill.
  14. You do realize you can play "KSP 2016: Alien invasion expansion" on steam right now? Or Fallout 4, Starcraft 6, The Elder Scrolls IX: Elsweyr, ... et cetera? Just add a non steam executable and rename it...
  15. Alpha and Beta have lost their original meanings for games during the last few years. This applies to KSP too. Defining alphas and betas in terms of feature complete et cetera no longer works in this context. and for OPs stuttering problem: Everyone gets it, don't expect it to be fixed soon. See: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/42877-CPU-Performance-Database?p=548962&viewfull=1#post548962 Closing UI windows helps a little
  16. Calculating thousands of colliding solid bodys is no problem unless you happen to use a completely broken physics engine which was initially developed for a broken piece of dedicated hardware (Ageia PPU) and later duct-tape ported into GPU land where it was primarily used as marketing tool, with the physics engine being treated an afterthough. "Hey we spent a huge chunk of money on this, why sould we fix it" - and "Software Implementation??! - well a x87 should be good enough". It won't make your computer any better. It will still suck, sorry.
  17. Well if you all insist on classic at least mention BWV 1068 - Bach
  18. +1 Plus FPS: System Shock 2 The best FPS/RPG crossover I ever played. And the reason I am still bored to death by every "horror movie" or game out there. I was 14 or fifteen when I played it the first time and that was quite the experience : ]
  19. Wasnt there a spotify playlist on reddit recently (If yes - a link would be much appreciated). Otherwise: just some non standard tracks i like to listen while KSPing - FTL Soundtrack by Ben Prunty - Fly me to the Moon - Groove Armada (+ other tracks by them) - Avril 14th + Aphex Twin other Stuff - Safety Dance - Men without hats ... just because - Symphony #9 "From the New World - Dvorak - Main Theme (Welcome to lunar industries) - Moon OST - Weightless - Laserkraft 3d And if you need some wub wub with a beautiful chilling at the beach undertow to listen to on repeat: Aaron - Paul Kalkbrenner (The whole Album "berlin calling" is well suited if you are compatible to that kind of music; very minimalistic - good for background listening at low volume and bringing you into that rocket building flow).
  20. Since KSP requires something slightly faster than an electrocuted cucumber as GPU to run flawless even at raised settings ... pretty much any settings will do. Especially shortly after launch the framerate is completely cpu bound even on i5-3/4 or i7-3/4 as we've already seen.
  21. Community contest - problem solved. The Stock planes were awful to begin with. I guess the two/three (?) people they have handling that sort of stuff are too busy running a ghost online TV show?
  22. It depends on your location and - if you are logged in - on a number of other factors. I get tons of german organizations from scientific publishing through tax advice and care for the elderly plus the inadvertable KSP disambiguation page for the german wikipedia. (The KSP article there was apparently written by a fourteen year old.)
  23. I think FCAT is a little out of our league Smaller polling interval? What do you mean by that? The tool runs on fraps output - every frametime fraps recorded is shown as data point in the diagram
  24. I dont have office available right now and google docs chokes on 20k lines of csv import so here you go: frappo is the tool some guy in a german forum I visit coded to analyze microstuttering (sli/crossfire)/ frame rate curves for benchmark data. I used it for the recent sound stuttering thread on reddit (dl link there). It also gives you some statistical analysis right out of the box. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1j842u/technical_sound_stuttering_visualized/ i5-2500k - speed see below 8gb RAM nVidia 460 gtx Win8 64bit 1650x1050 - windowed 3.3 ghz - stock raw: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6bdTmOPBWy5ZHJ2UGNWdU8yZG8/edit?usp=sharing frappo: 4.0 ghz - overclocked raw: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6bdTmOPBWy5d0h1ODdZVWJacms/edit?usp=sharing frappo: You can see how unevenly the games' workload is distributed among frames - there are four "channels" from relatively slow frames to superfast frames - plus the super slow 60ms+ "stuttering" frames which are also audible as sound stutter. Also note the different scale on the overclocked pic - its consistently 20% faster than the stock version. KSP scales almost perfectly with increased frequency. My old bench which also showed this was purged by admin failure.
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