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The Czosnex

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Everything posted by The Czosnex

  1. Welp, in real life first missions like Mercury and Gemini didn't have giant science bays and containers sticking out. The capsules were compact and not tall. If only the materials bay was smaller jsut like the goo bay that got downsized in 1.0, it would help a bit.
  2. The lab yielding science over time mechanic would make more sense if there was life support. Otherwise there's really no penalty at all for leaving scientists orbiting Jool for 40 years If you had to care about life support, the option to transmit science faster for smaller gain would be useful. If we go with life support, there should be a mechanic for reputation and kerbal health for leaving them too long in cramped stations for long periods of time.
  3. I have some of these mods and the same thing happens occasionally
  4. An image from pinhole projector made from two pieces of paper by my brother. Not that spectacular, but still it's something
  5. Me too! I'm eager to play a more recent version too
  6. My game always crashes not even halfway the loading bar on Squad's parts. I tried running the game multiple times to let it load as you said but it always exceeds the 32 bit ram limit in more or less 15 seconds. Is it possible to run the mod the old way? Here's my output_log file: http://puu.sh/dTt5X/23c20cca47.txt I'm on Windows 8.1 64bit but use 32bit KSP and I have 8gb of RAM
  7. Oooooohhhhh.... I thought it would be visible when mousing over any part, thus the option to disable it
  8. The part highlighting doesn't work for me, I have an Nvidia video card, AA and PPX are enabled. Edit: It's weird, when selecting the root gizmo the edge highlighting kinda works
  9. Anyone? It appears that part mods aren't causing this. Help me please, this bug is annoying as hell
  10. That would be pretty cool, of course if every human didn't look the same like kerbals do
  11. KSP: 0.25 Windows 32bit Problem: VAB/SPH New, Save, Load, Launch and Exit buttons are greyed out and unclickable. Mods installed: Reproduction steps: Screenshots: screenshot 1 screenshot 2 Crafts load perfectly fine but usually after 5-10 loadings of various .craft files, the craft loads but buttons don't appear to work anymore and the camera is freezed. I can use Engineer delta v window but nothing else. Debug menu gives me some lines like this: [LOG 19:51:30.305] Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) So far any solution on the Internet regarding that error haven't worked. I have my default Ships folder in KSP's root directory, problem still occurs on a new save and after a clean install of the game and updated mods. I had that problem for a looong time. I suspect it's some mod or a combination of them causing this but I'm not sure. Edit: My "Czosnex" folder only contains a Flags folder. Log: output_log.txt
  12. I ran into the same exact bug just now. Edit: Ah, yes. The lack of Firespitter plugin is the problem. I got so used to it being included in every mod ;p
  13. No part in-game looks like "found lying by the side of a road". The whole aesthetics of tier 1 space centre doesn't fit with what we already have.
  14. Yep, the mod gets broken and I can't control things... unless I did something wrong. Someone should make a config without the module. Someone who knows what he's doing
  15. Thanks for the answers! EDIT: Yeah, it's bugged indeed I'll try AntennaRange then. Too bad it doesn't display the lines and such.
  16. Yeah, but in real life, probes in deep space aren't operated in real time. They have instructions transmitted occasionally on what to do. While with RemoteTech you still need the connection everytime, even with singal delay disabled. In stock you need antennas only if you want to transmit science, but you can still get it by returning back to Kerbin. And you don't need any comm sat network to transmit it. I'd just like to have fun setting up a sat network to transmit my science while pretending that my control input is what the probe was "programmed" to do.
  17. Is there away to configure RemoteTech so that you only need the connection with KSC to transmit science? I'd like to disable the signal the delay AND the need for having the connection in order to operate a probe (but probes should still require an antenna).
  18. After I've finally to got my sevrer to work, and my friend able to join I have another issue. We can't see each other ingame (Yes, we're outside the safety bubble, and we even tried meetinch each other in orbit). My friend was able to spectate me but he couldn't see me moving, nor I could. I saw his ship launching once on the map but then it disappeared. Any solution to that? Edit: Somehow we saw ourselves move with great amount of lag and then we seemed desynced cempletly
  19. Thanks! I'm glad to help. That bug was bugging me so much (yeah, a pun I know). I recently decided to try my skills with everything as realistic as possible after hundreds of hours in KSP, but then I got that bug I also forgot to mention that I can't resize Real Chutes at all so I got huge spacracraft with tiny conical chutes. So the mass problem is fixed already or we have to wait for the next update of the mod?
  20. Hello, I have a small problem with the mod. I've downloaded and installed all the required mods + Realism Overhaul on a clean install of KSP but I have a bug. The masses of parts don't make any sense. For example the Mk1-2 pod weights 0,3322 tons unlike the Apollo pod http://puu.sh/bZ3tY/10fb2dbe02.jpg Mk1 pod: http://puu.sh/bZ3Fn/a6710282b2.jpg unlike the Mercury pod But the Cupola Module weights whole 4,5 tons! http://puu.sh/bZ3H6/1c055ef4a0.jpg These are just some examples. Here's a screenshot of my Gamedata folder: http://puu.sh/bZ3Sf/3ddc20da56.png Yes I tried installing mods on a clean install again, so I don't know if I did something wrong or if the masses are supposed to be that way. Help appreciated!
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