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Everything posted by soulreaver1981

  1. The cockpit is acyually part of the original mods made by c7 i think. I think it looks nice do it needs a update bad
  2. Ir works with 0.24.2. Maby you dont have the lates version.
  3. Thanks jeb cubed. I can post the plane if you want (after improving the way it flys)
  4. hey guys here is a ssto i made with moving cargobay doors. the cargobay is to small to fit anything of note in. so i'm gonna make it bigger but here are some pics and a little video showing how i made the cargo doors.
  5. Wow so cool. I hope i can make my exoskeleton like that. Some rep for you sire
  6. Yes those are moving parts. I'm trying to get it to work ill post a video to show how it now moves
  7. okay i'm done for to day and it take's of (barely) and that 174 tons of plane
  8. i'm gonna make a new arrowhead that take's a kerbodyne s3-14400 tank in to orbit you can follow me on twitch if you want http://www.twitch.tv/soulreaper1981
  9. sorry guys i cant seem to get this to work. its to smal cancelled but we can make this a robot thread. so post you robots here
  10. Np I think the pelican is gona be my next project, it pretty cool looking machine and i want to make the avengers vtol. Ps reapers is done. I made a rebuild and it look way better now. Uploading when im home from work Greetings reaper
  11. Not really but you are right, it indeed look like that vtol from terminator
  12. The tale seems a bit sort for dragon fly. But its a nice looking craft
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