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Everything posted by soulreaver1981

  1. why dont you use the big airplane wing for the front of the wing?? ;
  2. yes is out. time to build guys and play ksp 1.0.5. show me wat you have build
  3. Yes these crafts are complety out of date. Hhhmmm i should really rebuild them al, ill do that after 1.0.5 come's out
  4. hey guys here is the plane i made around my new copit. i cant get in to my imgur so no picks for now. but her is a video (so at lot of pics and sound ) the craftfile:
  5. ooohh my that looks so cool man. i love the way the door moves. i think i'm gonna take a look at that
  6. did you edit the smoke form rockets to last longer?
  7. wow nice moving engine giggleplex. i think i'm gonna borrow, cough steal you desgin lol ps time go get back in the game
  8. hey revancorana. i try you desgin and i have a suggestion for improved handeling. flip you probe core so it faces up. then when you turn on asas the craft will lean in the direction you are turnning. here's an example: and yes i made this ten months ago, so i think i was the first to use this technique lol it was base on my stock moving cargo doors.
  9. maybe next to stabilization the flaps are there for a belly landing when the gear dont work. otherwise the underside would be complete round.
  10. The new version looks cool clownbaby. but for mods i think you forgot to mention that you need bd armory. Ps i think i need to update my replica thread
  11. hey guys here is a vtol fighter i build using mods. this the F10.000 the armaments i had to remove the wing vtol cover (i could not turn at high speed with that) cruising a high speed firing the wapons. a video of me taking out targets. if you want the download file and mod links leave it in the comments.
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