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Everything posted by soulreaver1981

  1. hey guys this is a start of a new serie's in where i showcase syfy replica crafts i build using mods. the first craft in the serie's is a remake of the swatkats turbokat. the plane craftfile: http://www./download/i2ayp04d8t1aiaz/turbo_kat.craft the bike craftfile: http://www./download/ccl4vebcxuz8nvp/turboKat_bike.craft the second craft in the the serie's is the Orca (from the command & conquer game serie's) the craft file: http://www./download/wf2n361d67c8z8b/orca_mk_1.craft the mods used in this serie's can befound here: Infernal Robotics parts: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/220267-magic-smoke-industries-infernal-robotics/files infernal robotics Model Rework (for beter looking parts): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365 tweakescale ( lets you change the size of a part) http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/220549-tweakscale/files bd armory: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85209-1-0-BDArmory-v0-8-2-%28AI-pilots-smarter-guards-etc%29-Dev-Thread-May-8
  2. cool engine gonna try the design. and for the two turbo engine's try and set of one of them using the shift key and it look like's this ooopps i did not see giggleplex post
  3. when making the wing, use the docking washer standard like you did. then place the wing and put a nother docking washer on top (a free moving version this time) put a cubicstrut on that and strut the cubic strut to the rest of the plane. here is a video of me explaining it. hope it helps greetings soulreaper ps line everthing up using the offset and rotate tools
  4. The nuke is broken. It needs no oxidizer right now. have fun with that
  5. the nuke is broken in my game. it use no oxidizer any more.... hey nice for a ssto lol
  6. hey guys you may want to look at the nuke rocket engine's for 1.0.1 the dont seem to use oxidicer any more.
  7. i'm working on something. i thing where gonna need rocket engine to make a hard push straight up after the first 20000m
  8. man i feel your pain. but its time to learn some new trick. atleast that my goal right now. in all probability somebody gonna make a mod with will turn things back. idd like my jetengine's to work longer, butt hey what yu gonna do
  9. nope its a rebuild. the elevons on the wings are neede to pull up and steer ( the normal elevons appear to work the wrong way around so they are turnd of) and my previous had only 2 engine's and not 6. - - - Updated - - - no butt it turns real slow.
  10. man i had to delete my whole game to get the new version to download. out with the old!!! and in with new!!!
  11. Well there you have to look at, it fly's slow, but it fly's. craftfile: http://www./download/3eo26iu6p8z9xpv/1_0_B3_bommer.craft
  12. that sound as a challenge good sir.......F22 it is
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