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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. I think I need a break from KSP in general... Things are getting to me.
  2. I didn\'t want the entire pack to go away, I just didn\'t want to be a part of it anymore... It\'s Tiberion\'s call now, though.
  3. Why...not just put this on the KubLab thread? Why make a second thread about one part?
  4. They\'ll wiggle uselessly in space, never doing anything to affect your movement. Any movement that is there is caused by the pod\'s built in invisible forces.
  5. You can keep publishing the pack, but I don\'t want my models or textures to be in it anymore. Things here have strayed from the original intent of just a rebalance. You can do what you want to Sunday\'s parts, those are out of my realm. Besides, those models are actually good... I know I said the GG-M4 should be remodeled, but just remodel all of them now since I really don\'t like the whole idea anymore.
  6. I\'d much prefer that SIDR not be part of this but it\'s too late now...
  7. Isn\'t replacing the models destroying the original intent of this pack? (rebalancing the two originator packs...)
  8. Since most of the textures are solid colors you could very safely cut the texture size on most parts by 1/4th and it would still look the same, while decreasing file size. Also holy jesus:
  9. How did you prevent the panels from rotating with the craft\'s velocity vector? That\'s what happened when I tried to use the parachute module for solar panels.
  10. Probodobodyne is my 'new stuff' pack right now =p
  11. This concept is set to receive an overhaul, compliant with FY2012. Included will be: Celestia model of Kerbol system New planetary arrangement based on community suggestions Today\'s progress:
  12. I hadn\'t meant new parts. I meant improvements to existing parts. I want to stop myself from making any new parts, before the menu gets too cluttered.
  13. obj_gimbal obj_anchor Your text file method was mostly right, but the 'Mesh' likely was a descriptor for the type of object, and not part of the name.
  14. Does anyone have any suggestions for SE 1.0?
  15. Have some 0.9: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/575558/KSP%20Silisko%20Edition%200.9.zip http://www./?0eqcuxmsx931ngy Changelog: New textures for all fuel tanks New texture for solidbooster 2 All solid boosters tweaked slightly Added small decoupler shroud (1m, leaves an interstage ring attached to the upper stage) Tried to make parachute textures better, failed
  16. No, they\'re very poor in KSP\'s current state, so I\'m leaving them out. However, the changelog is: Added new lander legs Added mini solar panel Added a second core
  17. It\'s not something I really can fix... it\'s how the game handles decouplers. They\'re separate physical objects.
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