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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. You don\'t need giant engines for deep space travel. Smaller ones work better!
  2. The Isp is 265s now, up from 255s. I forget what liquidengine5 was before though.
  3. Think you could fix the smoothing groups on some of sunday\'s objects? Several of them are all one smoothing group, and it looks really bad to have 90 degree corners with smoothing groups like that.
  4. 0.9 is going to be mostly about improving the looks of the pack and doing some final tweaks. There\'s quite a few models and textures that need a bit of work.
  5. I don\'t know if I\'ll release them. Wheels are so buggy and impossible currently.
  6. No, they don\'t. It\'s impossible right now.
  7. It\'s a very poorly kept secret that China wants to go to the moon.
  8. I tried http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/5766/kerbalspaceprogram20111r.jpg It\'s now just a matter of getting it to the mun.
  9. Just a note, I want to handle the N1 remake. Keep your grubby mitts of it!
  10. That was deliberate, that thing was ugly as shit, and pointless.
  11. Probably not going to be in the next version, but it was fun to test.
  12. Accidental. I had changed attributes from them and deleted them with the intention of replacing them with the ones from 0.7, but I forgot.
  13. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Silisko
  14. Put them at a 45 degree angle for now, I\'ll fix them in 0.85 soonish.
  15. 0.8 released http://www./?ceh731hh6dy9c62 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/575558/KSP%20Silisko%20Edition%200.8.zip Added mini decoupler Added stackable parachute Added dry mass of tanks to mass total Tweaked liquid engines 1 and 5 (now both have the same Isp rating, overall efficiency increased slightly for both) Added double length 1m tank liquid engine 3 weight increased Reduced gimbal amounts on lower stage engines New models for lander legs and nosecones Mk1 pod weight decreased
  16. I thought you were just going to change values, not the parts themselves...
  17. Good point. To hell with the engine expansion pack!
  18. Tomorrow I\'m going to release 0.8 (hopefully) and start work on an engine expansion pack Changes for 0.8 that I can remember: Added mini decoupler Added stackable parachute Added dry mass of tanks to mass total Tweaked liquid engines 1 and 5 (now both have the same Isp rating, overall efficiency increased slightly for both) Added double length 1m tank liquid engine 3 weight increased Reduced gimbal amounts on lower stage engines
  19. All of my rockets are economic, but you HAVE to be economic with my pack...
  20. Well, that\'s covered in the Wet Workshop category. We can stitch together multiple upper stages and use those as space stations!
  21. For comparison, the Saturn V\'s F1 engine has a TWR of 94...
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