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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. It should work fine for both. Naturally, it will feel a bit easier to lift with vanilla...
  2. New from Probodobodyne Industrial! The DIY Probe Kit! Current parts roster: 2 probe cores Aeroshell Aeroshell coupler Strut Radio Dish Experiment Rack 2 solar Panels Radioisotope Thermal Generator Sensor Unit Camera Mount Fuel Tank Engine Mini lander leg Detachable core Antenna Coming soon: Landing ring (like on the Venera landers) Big openable aeroshell Note: all parts except the cores have zero drag so they affect flight as little as possible and don\'t obliterate themselves on liftoff. Download: Dropbox Mediafire Action shots! Note: some parts pictured are from The Silisko Edition
  3. Impossible. There\'s no such thing as Kearth. only Kerbin!
  4. Slow your horizontal velocity enough, but keep faking lift, then gently touch down. Seems possible to me.
  5. 0.7 released http://www./?3srl06ejeziut0v http://dl.dropbox.com/u/575558/Kerbal%20Space%20Program%20-%20Silisko%20Edition%200.7.zip Added 2m RCS tank Added new SRB Added midrange 2m engine Added second lander leg, now fits inside fairings Added half height fairing panel Decreased weight of quad coupler Retweak of most engine efficiency values Changed RCS a tad Removed PSD file that was bloating the filesize (derp) Lander engine can now be gimballed Re-added SAS module Winglets made a bit more effective
  6. I\'ve not run into that issue. The lander engine has gimballing now, so it shouldn\'t be a problem...
  7. Yeah. Until I can make them drain symmetrically, I\'m going to have them stay the same weight empty as full.
  8. After some trial and error I got this lander to work, before hopping around to a few other locations:
  9. That rocket gave me this result: I\'d say we\'re good.
  10. I added another 2m engine. Double nozzle, gimbal enabled. Slightly more efficient than the big one, but with less thrust overall.
  11. Enough. A multitude of pages in this thread have been devoted to Tiberion arguing about this pack. No more. Expected changelog for 0.7: Added 2m RCS tank Added new SRB Decreased weight of quad coupler Retweak of most engine efficiency values Changed RCS a tad Lander engine can now be gimballed Re-added SAS module Winglets made a bit more effective
  12. With the upcoming version, this rocket got me to the mun with more than enough fuel for multiple orbital adjustments, and a full return trip. And that was with pretty poor piloting.
  13. Considering how big some of these newfangled rocket parts are, I might have to make a bigger thing to carry into space.
  14. Eh? You mean 'stages get bigger as you go up the stack'? I doughnut understand.
  15. Yes, and having decouplers that weigh 0.8 vs 0.05 helps to encourage staging immensely, right? You can get much higher with a stack of 4 LFTs and a main engine, then a stage and a single tank + small engine than 5 tanks and a main engine alone.
  16. If the Mun didn\'t move this would be much easier...
  17. That\'s ASAS\'s problem. I\'ve reinstated the normal SAS due to how flawed ASAS is in its current state.
  18. I\'ve been having wobble problems on big rockets too, lately. I also still need to work on making rockets work decently effectively... hopefully my new changes in 0.7 will help this.
  19. Been doing some tweaking to efficiency values. Also I decreased the amount of RCS fuel in the service module, and increased the weight of RCS in general. The lander engine is now vectoring capable, to make landings less taxing on RCS.
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