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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Just a purple star illuminating a nearby planet, quite rare. Another: Mostly just tweaking generation parameters, getting a good idea of the size distribution for planets.
  2. New creature sculpting: "Floater" or "Gasbag". Lives on gas giants or planets with heavy atmospheres. Back covered with photosynthetic symbiotic algae, its head is mostly a dangley vestigial bit that houses its brain, mouth, and eyes (none of which it uses much)
  3. Gregrox, can you consolidate some of your posts down to a singular post? You're filling up the thread a bit... Also, I would prefer to make the SotS subreddit myself in the future. I don't feel there's any need for it.
  4. Roll control is a tricky one. It looks fine from some camera angles in external view, but looks backwards from others. The intended perspective for the way the roll control is with the mast on the far side of the lander from you, with the camera looking slightly downward onto the ship. But, once you tilt it down enough, it starts looking wrong. There's a strong possibility that the final game won't have a thirdperson camera (for the sake of immersion), and the cameras you place on the ship will allow you to configure the relative controls yourself if you so desire (instead of letting it automatically determine the direction)
  5. The default joystick controls were mapped on an xbox controller, that might be causing your problem. I actually forgot I had even made controller support in the first place, until now...
  6. I don't think there's really a limit to how much you can learn when you look at the whole wide world. It doesn't really have to be some fact of the universe, there are things to learn at any level. On a wider case, I recently learned that the maximum extent of the Mongol empire is comparable to the surface area of the moon. On a local case, I learned there's a turtle in the seasonal pond a little ways to the west of me, which I will be investigating in the near future. There's always something new out there. I dunno if that counts for what you mean, though.
  7. What they do is, after a period of time, pick a random object in their vicinity to hop at. When they need to hop, a force is applied both towards the target and away from the center of the planet, and a sound is played. A max number of attempts is determined when the target is selected, and after that number is passed, the hopper gets bored and waits for a bit before selecting a new target and repeating the process. <3 Tweeted that one, as well. Everyone else: Thanks for the feedback and testing. Glad to see the linux and mac versions don't catch on fire, I updated the post on the blog to reflect this.
  8. It's definitely a cultural problem. Most issues eventually boil down to standards in culture (ex. gun restriction laws, which are very impractical in the gun culture of much of the united states) It's really unfortunate that in many places, kindness is viewed as a sign of weakness and disagreement in opinion is viewed as a direct insult.
  9. A big problem is when somebody thinks they know something when they actually don't. And then they get into an argument with someone who's the same way but with a different opinion. And then somebody tries to correct both of them and is hit with a baseball bat, then the two original fighters go back to arguing.
  10. Sorry, but no you don't. You paid a sum of money for a slip of money that says you have a star named after you http://www.iau.org/public/themes/buying_star_names/
  11. Maybe we're getting a bit carried away with tweaking this prototype... but I think it'll pay off in the end as it's now giving an experience a bit closer to what the final game will bring.
  12. Wonderful. The double planets are spot-on. I tweeted it, for you.
  13. Planetes may be the first show that breaks through my natural meter-thick wall of aversion to anime... been sorta putting off watching it though for fear of getting sucked into it.
  14. The devious side of me would want to rig up a little button that goes UUULLLAAAA whenever it's pressed, and hide it in on of his chairs like a cruel whoopie cushion...
  15. Probably within a week or so. Doing some tweaks and finangling with its ancient horrible code to give it a little bit more functionality.
  16. Lately I've been obsessing over this album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uk2FzqxV-oE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RoPtTEswWM
  17. Thank you for bringing this to attention. Not many realize this!
  18. Oh, I see what you were saying. I didn't make a typo - as I said, the prototype is from around July 2013, not that it was going to be released in July 2014.
  19. Well it's not like the game's had constant work done on it since then. It was, until now, just a few brief stints of work intersparsed with trying other projects. The current incarnation only really began semicontinuous work early this year.
  20. Just need to write a big, well-worded disclaimer for it sometime
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