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Everything posted by maxpanic

  1. Oh good, now I can stop using the upscaled default units that someone posted last month.
  2. I have an observation. At first I thought it was a bug with the navlights, and I thought the navlights were somehow blinking in time with the strobe/beacons even though I thought I set them to "steady" mode. Pressing the activation keys (O and P) is supposed to initiate the "blinking" mode first, correct? I think the game must remember the mode it was in the last time you used it (such as on a different ship), because when going to a new ship and activating the lights, sometimes it first goes into "steady" mode, or requires two keypresses to activate at all (it goes to "blinking" mode...which makes me think the first keypress set it to "off"). This behavior persists even when exiting the game and restarting. It's merely a minor annoyance. But I wonder if the mode setting can be reset upon changing focus to another ship and/or exiting the game entirely? If not, can the lights be set to stay active upon changing focus? I was recently trying to "dock" two ships in orbit, and had lights set around the docking node of the 'mother' ship. I activated them, then switched to the 'daughter' ship, and was disappointed to find the docking lights deactivated. Otherwise this is a very cool addition and I use the lights on all my new designs, and I've retrofitted them on my old designs as well. Actually, I have one more item. Would it be feasible to create landing lights? Essentially it'd be a light with similar characteristics to the white strobe except it would have it's own key binding (L, perhaps?) and would only have a "steady" (and "off", obviously) mode. I'm not sure if the beam characteristics could be changed, but if so it would throw a relatively narrow cone of light forward rather than light in all directions (similar to how the Kerbals' EVA headlights function). Such an addition would really complete the illumination necessities of spaceplanes!
  3. I tried something similar. Here is RORSAT Ib, with a single mapsat antenna on the right. The multitude of dishes is just for looks (since it's supposedly a <u>R</u>adar <u>O</u>cean <u>R</u>econnaissance <u>SAT</u>ellite). RORSAT Ia had mapsat antennae all around the periphery and it made the same maps that RORSAT Ib does with a single mapsat antenna.
  4. I'm pretty sure the orientation of the dish is only cosmetic. I can orient a mapping satellite so that the dish is prevented from aiming at the planet and it has zero effect on the mapping ability and quality.
  5. ...it's the module that says Rendezvous. If you don't see it, you're probably using an old version.
  6. The hardpoints work for jet engines. Pretty sure that's what they're designed for.
  7. It's BigNose's <a href="http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/16925-PLUGIN-PART-0-16-Aviation-Lights-v1-0">Aviation Lights v1.0</a> plugin and I highly recommend it. Includes green, red, white and blue nav lights as well as red beacon lights and white strobes, with different modes (off, steady, blinking) for both sets. Forward-swept wings and missiles are from <a href="http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/4542-JellyCubes-Advanced-Weapons-R-D-Weapons-and-Other-Miscellanea">JellyCube's pack</a>.
  8. A video demonstration of the mod in action with several other mods. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5RMJfVHgOqk?rel=0&hd=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> vvaris, you might want to include a .craft file with the nose, cockpit, seat, rockets and so on pre-built. It's not hard to figure out, but it took me a few tries.
  9. ...strange. I'm able to EVA out of the crew pod without any problems. I've never gotten the "hatch obstructed" error, nor has the pod ever exploded.
  10. Okay, I have a question. I created a space station which, in addition to a normal command module, has empty crew modules (the DYJ crewtank). I then created a vessel to bring Kerbals to the station. My intention was to offload all three crew to the station, then remotely deorbit the shuttle vessel. I added a remote processor, remote SAS, and antennae, but once all Kerbals were offloaded I had no control over the shuttle. So my question is, is remotely controlling a previously-crewed vessel possible, or does the presence of an (empty) command pod mean the remote control functions won't work at all?
  11. The ion engine part still calls itself "DSM 1.5m Ion Engine" in the part.cfg file. Also, there's still some misspellings of "sturt" in the parts. Since updating does break older ships, I think it'd be a good idea to make all-new part folders rather than overwriting older parts (like the RCS fuel struts). On that note, is there any reason why I shouldn't continue to use the 1.5 meter parts along with the new 3 meter parts? Edit: The solar panels don't attach correctly. They seem to attach to the very center of whatever part I try to add them to, rather than the exterior.
  12. JDP, I'm not sure if it's possible to change the post title when you make edits, but if it is, can you add the full version number when you make an update? Since it still says 0.3 I missed it going up to 0.34.
  13. Maybe I'm stupid. I probably am, in fact. But the part is totally devoid of texture, it's just plain white. The screenshots show some texturing. The tricouptex.png file is just white. Did you forget to add the (semi?) finished texture file? Also, I can't use dual-symmetry when adding stuff like fuel tanks, intakes. I have to do each side individually. Last, when I first try to add things to the front (intakes) they seem to lock on "inside" of the part. It seems to work after playing with it a little bit, but I'm not sure what I did to make it work properly.
  14. This is cool, but rather than overwrite stock part files I think you should create separate folders for your edited parts so as not to break existing aircraft.
  15. Once in awhile the maps I've collected get seriously corrupted (see attached image). This is, I believe, the third time it's occurred. I don't notice any problems while playing, but the next time I open the game all my maps are hosed. Even if I don't access a mapsat orbiting a given body, the maps for that planet are wiped too--I don't even have a mapsat around Minmus anymore but the map is gone. The game didn't crash prior to the maps getting wiped. I quit the game gracefully by going back to the main menu and exiting. The debug console shows no errors. The .csv files are all okay and maps generated from that data are normal. Is it possible to convert the .csv files into the main "gui_Kerbin_ISA_Topo.png" maps, or are they lost for good?
  16. I'm not OP, but I'd like to help. Unfortunately the new forum: <ol><li>Won't allow .RAR filetypes (as was originally posted) <li>Allows up to 20MB in attachments but only <i>100kb</i> per .zip file </ol> <s>So, I've gone ahead and shared it in my Google Drive. Follow the link and click File->Download to get the .rar.</s> Author has <a href="http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/15541-Alternate-spaceplane-adapters-Mk3AR-and-Mk2AR?p=221424&viewfull=1#post221424">rehosted it</a>.
  17. Again, this mod is really cool and I thank you for your effort. Unsurprisingly, I have three and a half suggestions, all of which probably require more work than you're interested in putting in, all of which lie well outside my essentially non-existent capabilities. The first would be electricity usage. Tie-in with Electrical Energy Plugin? Signal processors should be using a few watts, omni antennae a few more, and high-gain antennae the most. Would give some incentive not to put 20 antennae on a small probe. Easy method might be to copy the code from an ion engine (power-using) part and tweak the details. Next suggestion would be to limit the number of antennae a processor can support. Four per processor part? Lastly, it'd be awesome if high-gain antennae would slew to the chosen target. This would require a new, animated dish model, such as the one in the ISA Mapsat kit, which slews to point at the ground. The half suggestion would be for any dish-utilizing connections to only work when the dishes are actually aimed in the general direction of the target if an auto-tracking, animated dish model isn't feasible. Having a dish pointed 180 degrees from the target and still functioning makes me twitch. I'm sure these are all ideas you've considered already or that others have suggested previously. They're merely refinements to what is otherwise a fun mod. Thanks again for all your work so far!
  18. Open a command prompt, navigate to the directory, and use command line arguments as shown on the first post of this topic.
  19. Aside from locating artifacts, the biggest benefit is that it gives you something to accomplish, a real science mission. The lack of things to do is the biggest issue in the game...landing on the various bodies, building the most efficient or ridiculous rockets, and so on is fun but it gets a bit stale, especially after playing for a long time. It\'s kind of neat to see how the planets are built, and to know what your ground track looks like. Finding the right combination of altitude and inclination to most efficiently map a body is challenging (Minimus was hard to get right). It also helps with imagination-driven gameplay: I\'ve given names to the various terrain features and named my various bases after them, for example. Anyway, if you\'re really having a hard time justifying the 5 minutes needed to install the mod, put the sensor on a rocket, and try it out, then I guess don\'t bother with it.
  20. Cool way to address a customer\'s complaint, mate.
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