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Everything posted by botse

  1. Ik chobit but hay I could of linked a page of the top 12 SWMDs (in which 6/12 of them were from ST(and guess what the NOVA(from halo) was nom-12)) maybe I should link it? link>http://www.dvice.com/archives/2010/11/the-12-best-pla.php And MORE links>http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/NOVA_Bomb
  2. If any one needs a SWMD call me and I'll bomb what ever you won't to hell with a NOVA-bomb or just hit it from afar with 3000t of 'rods from god' going at ~.4c Edit: oh and if you think the nova is weak (http://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/15b5uk/the_actual_yield_of_the_nova_bomb_my_god/) <link
  3. OK thanks now I'm going to nuke it with a NOVA(if you have read any good halo fic you know what that can do) or just pilt it at huge range with some ODPs
  4. The hells is that oh and The UNSC says otherwise as well (read all ship main weapons read) [RANT=1]And please don't start a flame war like on the latest thread ppl you try putting IRL thinking in shows with homing cannon shots? OK missiles can do that but a cannon that can? were in its shell is all the RCS fuel? Or LFO? For engines? but if its plasma you could say its using hi-tech mag tech to do it[/RANT] < needs to be added
  5. No wean they being back the AAR part thats were this goes:)
  6. 'Loopholes you can do anything with them' looking forward to what you can do(soonâ„¢)
  7. So any mod is OK as long as its not hackie? Well hover tanks here I come:D
  8. Looks at larst 4 posts Maybe you could build a copy of VSAs space port in MC with some mod/mod packs like FTB?
  9. (^plays MC) Yes that is a valid excuse trek MC is a every good one but one tip 'DONT GIVE ender-men TNT'
  10. :(SIG link no work I think your thread be dead:(
  11. Just read the about page on your site cubit I got to say it sounds like a good show if it were on the TV:D All you are missing is the male weight lifter that makes all the blue prints(or is bob in that slot?)
  12. I have got 0.17 now(got it 6 to 4 days ago)and am looking for some mods that well let me make a war ship in the sea but not out of tanks and wings and am taking ships that go in to the sea but need to be armed plz pm me with them or post here with them And on the HKSS zombie I well be up loading it soon I hope
  13. GO the AU and inlands we own And I well add the HKSS and test bed sone
  14. I have made the HKSS zombie and made a rail gun test bed I well make one of those for new ship arms this one has 24 left units and 4 jets that can get up to 150 thrust units and I well load them up next time I come on
  15. So that's ware the hard ponts are or wore they work nicer then using small hard ponts in stork
  16. I am going to do all three of this jobs with one ship with is the HKSS (her kerbals star ship) zombie with is the flag ship of the RX-labs star fleet
  17. No it's the weston sate of austraila and the 2/3 is a good craft but I have not landed yet all they need is I think is dammed air parts and sun bame lazer that's the 2 but the 3 needs moddler missile mod some of my ships need nova remix and some more mods I don't know yet
  18. Btw were in the world are you I'm in WA And to stay on the line of the wrest of the posts were do you think the RX-2/3s go in the ship list?
  19. O have you looked at i42s ships and planes some of his old space ships look like battleships or even bigger class of ships
  20. Hmm that may be with I need be coz I have two bros the play it as well I may as well down it and have three corps of it one for me and my two bros I build good looking ships will that use the cart mod to make werd land craft Edit: wait are sec do you have skype?? If so we may be able to caht with that
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