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Everything posted by darloth

  1. Not sure how much a negative report helps, but I am using ATM Aggressive (set to 1/4) and I'm not getting these texture errors with SXT parts. I'm using lots of other things as well, let me know if you need any more details. I just added more stuff (mod usage is a terrible affliction) so I'll let you know if straining the memory yet further causes this to occur.
  2. For the quadcore bugs, are you also using KJR? There seems to be an issue with the latest release builds of that in how it deals with multi-attach nodes that hits the quadcores hard, and possibly the other cores. Rolling back the KJR version sortof works, but you lose the updated features and some other benefits and bug fixes. I think there's a dev build with a possible fix but if it IS that, you should go check the KJR thread for more details.
  3. Thanks, good to know it's on the list. I'm using Duplicate pretty heavily, to the point where I tend to keep a copy of the things I use most just to have one to duplicate from, but obviously sometimes there just isn't one
  4. Sure: http://pastebin.com/G9QtDKZn Just copypaste that into a .cfg file somewhere, I suggest battery.cfg in the UniversalStorage\Parts\US_1R110_Wedge_KASContainer folder, unless you feel like making a new folder for it. I tried to guess at the mass/cost/size/capacity based on the size of the Z400 battery and generally how most universal storage items are slightly miniaturized, but at the end of the day it's just some numbers, change them if you think different. (Paul Kingtiger / Daishi - if you don't like the config being linked let me know and I'll remove this post, but I didn't think it was a big deal as it is after all just a description edit and adding a resource block. I'm certainly not claiming anything is mine or particularly original.)
  5. Apologies if this has already been suggested, I've only read the start and end of the thread: I'm really enjoying having to manage which ships to build in what order, but I'm finding it a real chore to have to go into the VAB to queue up a new vessel. Would it be possible to get a build option from either the launchpad (i.e., override the launch button like the one in the editor so it gives you the choice to build or simulate) or add a way to add a vessel picking from the list of saved vessels? Since KSP seems to have some issues with doing lots of scene changes, i'm trying to minimize doing that, and going to the editor when I just want to build a known design that I don't have any spares of seems needlessly convoluted.
  6. Using the airbags or floats on spaceplanes (or things built from spaceplane parts) is somewhat logistically difficult. I can't work out a good way to heat shield them.
  7. I just config'ed up my own Battery wedge, using the KAS storage (with the animation removed) as the model. I've found it really useful, so I'd love to see an official battery wedge. An RTG would be useful as well, but the main benefit of universal storage is you can fit all sorts of things to a given space, so even 'redundant' options that there are already other possibilities for come in handy when you realize you need a bit of battery capacity and there's a wedge spare...
  8. I've launched them unshielded with FAR and they haven't fallen off. I know that's only one datapoint and I can't remember what FAR calculated the Q actually was, but if there's a separate MaxQ in RT it does sound quite possible it's that one.
  9. I think TAC imposes an electricity drain on crewed parts to represent heating costs? I would be surprised that it's more than the RTG in the DERP though. I can't see anything else in that modlist which would cause a drain... If you find out, let us know Also, a minor note to RoverDude - the thread title still says [0.25], despite these working in 0.90 and CKAN reporting they're updated for 0.90. Now, the reason I actually came to this thread The airbags and floats are not particularly heat tolerant, and often need to be placed on the outside of stuff you expect to be plummetting through a hot atmosphere so that they can deploy when you're floating down. With the stack floats it isn't a huge problem, but every time I try and use the radially attached floats or airbags they get burned or ripped off during re-entry despite my otherwise conservative entry angles... Do you think they should be a little more temperature tolerant? Shielded solar panels resist 3200deg, for reference. (I'm aware that is a ridiculously high number, yes)
  10. Are you using SCANsat 8.1, the current stable version? If so, it has no Regolith support yet. Try the dev version, it's usually mostly stable, and it does have Regolith support. 9.4 or thereabouts at the time of this post.
  11. I did a quick check in my install (sandbox, lots of mods but nothing really that alters the science system like ScienceAlert) and I couldn't recreate this bug. I built a hanger, stuffed it with some probes, and launched it into space. Then I deployed a probe. The probe updated biomes properly as it orbited Kerbin. I'll continue playing with it and if I do come across it I'll try and let you know what I did differently. I have the sandbox save and craft files if any of those seem useful, but since it's just a negative report I'm guessing probably not so much...
  12. a) I'd quite like it if they weren't completely separate, personally. Engineers, in my opinion, are the least useful stock crewmember. Sure, fixing wheels is useful, and landing legs is good, parachutes usually less so... but that's three things TOTAL, and if everything goes well, they're three things you never -need-. If Engineering levels also added a flat bonus in all trainings in DangIt or some similar boost to make them hands down the experts at fixing things, I think that would make them a lot more useful. Alpha 5.3 claims it's incompatible with KSP 0.90 when loading the game.
  13. First post hasn't had its download link updated and still points to either 6.2.1 or 6.3.3
  14. You can't actually do that though - there's no config option in the flight scene, so you can't revert, and you can't switch to/from test mode before you launch.
  15. Enjoying this (update to the) plugin, but I have a couple of usability suggestions. First, can there be a radiobutton for toggling flight test and normal flight on the base mission controller screen? Having to go into config every time adds what I feel are unnecessary clicks. Secondly and along the same lines, having to go to the tracking station to recover is really, really slow. I've found myself just leaving stuff in landed until I need the money and then harvesting it all in one go - that's silly. Can we not have a union of the two systems for recovery? A button on the mission controller panel that says "recycle immediately" and credits you the cost (then you can revert to VAB just fine, for the typical case of a failed and half-salvaged flight), but leave in the recovery from tracking station? You would presumably need some sort of boolean value set on the craft to make sure people didn't recover things twice. Either way, it feels clunky to actually go through the normal "test, rebuild, test, rebuild, test, rebuild, fly, complete" cycle, because many of the steps take quite a lot of work.
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