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Everything posted by TheKosmonaut

  1. Seeing @Deddly‘s post on buying the rights to KSP, I would simply just go straight for the head and buy Take-two. Then I would just have the most ambitious crossover game in history: Red Dead Theft Auto Space Program VI: Krakensbane.
  2. This thread is in violation of licenses, continued distribution of assets under a license which does not permit that will result in further moderation. This thread is locked pending clarification from the creator(s) involved. Thank you for your patience. Edit: Posters please be advised: Some posts have been edited or removed outright due to moderator's decisions, you will see "[snip]" or notice that your post is gone entirely. If you have issue w/ this feel free to PM me or any of the moderators.
  3. Some posts containing religious content or reference have been removed. Please refrain from making such posts in the future.
  4. Thanks for waiting. Some posts have been put here, we dont need new threads constantly to talk about the EULA. Please try to keep discussions consolidated. For transparency's sake, I also had to revert the title of this thread because I accidentally changed it to a different thread. Should be back to normal and how OP had it. Thanks for your patience.
  5. In my case, I had to restart Steam. I didnt have it at first but the restart fixed it.
  6. This thread has been moderated. Be advised that some of y'all's posts have been edited in order to remove off-topic or rule-breaking content. Take a quick refresher on the COMMUNITY GUIDELINES
  7. I think I first played the game at or around .10. I had stuck with the trial version after they released more versions until 2012! so I think that makes my first version .16! The best $18.00 I ever spent.
  8. Standby.. Time for some cleaning... ...Cleaning Complete, thank you for using OppresorTech9000, service is mandatory! I would like to say, that while there are aspects of the current films that I did not love. I respect that there are people that love every bit of it, and I also respect that there are people that hate every fiber of these movies, like Anakin hates the sand. But, we need to remember that these walls of texts with opinions that we do not agree with are written by people. Would you say the things you say to a person's face? I try to think of that before I write anything online (It's probably why I post so rarely haha). I would ask you all to keep things calm here. We do not need to go on political rants in this forum. There are so many other outlets for that. You're welcome to think whatever it is you like, but also remember that we have rules here. Please respect the rules. *ahem* /run OppressiveMod.exe Please refrain from making political posts on this forum, failure to comply will result in warns.
  9. TheKosmonaut


    Alright... That's enough. It's been a while that this ... thread ... has been around. Frankly, I have had enough. I mean.. how could you have this thread here under our noses and NOT post this You should all be ashamed
  10. Kosmonautical Orbital Solutions has finished a new round of missions for the glorious MNSP! Album Here
  11. @Geschosskopf You can make anything work with a little bit of elbow grease and some flex-tape!
  12. Behold! The mighty Kerbal SRB, now with load-bearing capabilities! Tremble in fear before these mighty columns of fire and smoke!
  13. After a rather long and tedious mission, Kosmonautical Orbital Solutions has finished its series of missions for Munar orbit. Link to album (since embed still doesnt work)
  14. Mission Complete! I went for some really convoluted flight path that nearly ended my kerbal's lives. Album in a minute; the entire mission report will be written in the album I guess. Makes it easier on the eyes. Mission Report Here
  15. You know too much, prepare for punishment reeducation!
  16. This is the part where I’d just cheat adjust my own game to accept what I did as completion of contract. Though, I suppose I understand what they’re trying to make you do.
  17. Thread locked, per OP request. Congrats on release, @linuxgurugamer!
  18. Mun Landing Get! Album here. Unfortunately, due to lack of proper design skills, I wasnt able to do a sample return mission as I had hoped. But I did fulfill the "Explore the Mun" contract for a cool 90k funds. While I did not net science, I got us more of dat dank cash. I plan on sending another mission to Mun next time with the above goal in mind. Nobody steal my plans >:( I netted us about 230k funds though. So I wasn't completely useless. @DuoDexSee if you can fit the ridiculous name I chose for this mission on a patch
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