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Everything posted by Suzaku

  1. Lol, thanks for planetes, I'm watching it now. Pretty awesome.
  2. Try positioning some canards in the front, and it should help.
  3. Well in a sense it was a very stable design, probably not very much so for high-speed, but the design itself was remarkably stable and easy to fly. It can't break orbit due to the non-symetrical nature of the airframe and configuration. Once you hit vacuum, the plane is unable to balance center of thrust with center of gravity for some reason.
  4. Lol, Re-entry was horrible, I had to throw the craft into an auto-rotating spin in order to kill velocity so I wouldn't overshoot KSC2. The thing usually re-enters straight as an arrow.
  5. NO!, all of space belongs to the great nation of South-Kerblandia!
  6. So recently I threw together this SSTO, and I thought this feature was really neat for Spaceplanes and figured it'd be a great thing to share with the community. And so I was wondering if anyone else has come up with this yet? Or am I the first one lol. Edit: Just found out some people made self-righting landers so a lot of ingenious players out there. Pretty cool but not as useful as this I'm sure.
  7. Video of my Spaceplane the K-15 recordbreaker to KSC2, time to complete stop was 13:40, 100% stock, botched re-entry, perfect landing, and no mechjeb.
  8. The correct solution isn't to grab as many mods and to throw parts at it until it works. Your plane is aerodynamically unbalanced relative to your center of lift. It also looks like it was designed for looks more than functionality.
  9. Trying to break orbit with the Wright brothers.
  10. Simple fix would be to get a better computer.
  11. 01001001001000000110011001101001011011100110010000100000011101000110100001100101001000000110011001100001011000110111010000100000011101000110100001100001011101000010000001111001011011110111010100100000011000010111001001100101001000000110010001100101011000110110111101100100011010010110111001100111001000000111010001101000011010010111001100100000011000100110100101101110011000010111001001111001001000000110110101100101011100110111001101100001011001110110010100100000011011110110111000100000011101000110100001100101001000000110100101101110011101000110010101110010011011100110010101110100001000000111010001101111001000000110001001100101001000000110010001101001011100110111010001110101011100100110001001101001011011100110011100101110001011100010111000101110
  12. Can you show us a picture of your space plane on the runway?
  13. Jeremy Clarkson approves of this rocket because it has... POWWAAAR
  14. And this video singlehandedly turned KSP into a space race game for me.
  15. My next 0.16 creation, the South Kerbalandium K-15 Recordbreaker. Designed as a test-bed of a bunch of random theoretical technology I had sitting in my head, it all came together perfectly. This ship takes off horizontally, however it also has a special ability that I haven't seen in any other space plane. It can self-right and also take off vertically from a horizontal position (Does not break the spaceplane rules for this challenge as it does not need to be lifted by separate machinery into vertical position ) Ascent In orbit Orbital Trajectory Super stable when re-entering the atmosphere, the most stable re-entry vehicle I have built to date. K-15 Landed K-15 preparing for another mission, just refuel and you're off! Loaded weight is 13.5 tons in 0.16 fuel bug was patched for my KSP. (minimalist record? ) And yes, this bad boy of technological triumph is a stable flying wing, as there really is no other more efficient way to fly through the air, however most flying wings have major instability issues, this one has absolutely none. Wow, I love making SSTOs 13 hours of building this thing and perfecting it was totally worth it!
  16. No way, just a couple of minutes ago the newest version of my SSTO broke orbit of the Kerbin system... IT'S FREAKING INTERSTELLAR! A interstellar SSTO made with 100% stock parts and no glitches(I even patched the fuel bug)! I hope the design works in 0.17, I've spent the last 5 days and at least 50 hours working on this design. Didn't fully understand the rules for the X-15, so yeah, that one doesn't qualify for sure. It's a neat design though. I'm trying for the maximalist record with a loaded weight of 85.8 tons. The Altitudinalist record because my SSTO broke orbit of the solar system and should be able to get an insanely high orbit easily and back. And the Astrokerbal Distinction due to Mun rescue of a couple of stranded Kerbals. The name I decided on for the shuttle is Exelion after one of my favorite starships. Gonna try to make a video of it exiting the system tomorrow as well as landing.
  17. No way.. I finally did it... a SSTO that broke orbit of the Kerbin system! it's freaking interstellar!!!! I just hope the design still works in 0.17
  18. Hey guys, I've been playing KSP since 2011 and lurking around building rockets and stuff. It wasn't until the new spaceplane update that I decided to get to know the community. So yeah uh, hi everyone. My goal in KSP is to make a 100% re-usable no parts lost spaceplane that can make interplanetary travel and back. So uh yeah, hi!
  19. Oh my god.... Do want!
  20. Lol, I know, but I figured it'd be nice to do orbital space combat when online multiplayer comes out.
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