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The Stinger

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Everything posted by The Stinger

  1. It depends on which organization. If it's a sponsor, then you wont make any profit through it. Their only gain is to keep the competition out. If I remember correctly security made a profit during/after the paralypics. The economy of the UK will get a boost of $26.4 billion by 2017. (source) The IOC is non-profit.
  2. Mars One has nothing to do with Biosphere one. Mars One is a Dutch company. You are forgetting that Mars One will be a world wide broadcast. If you look at the amount of money the Olympics brings in, than it should be possible. To be fair, it might not get the kind of broadcasting revenue as the Olympics. If they can get 1/10 of it, then they would be well in business. The reason why I applaud Mars One is not due to the television part of it, it's because they dare to do it. It's what countries should dare to do, instead of spending it on stuff which doesn't help mankind in anyway.
  3. I'm skeptical about Mars One too, but they have some traits which remind me of the Apollo program. But let's not ridicule them, because they might be the next Columbus, Galileo, Goddard etc.
  4. On their mission page they don't say that Felix will jump from the edge of space, they talk about to. So they use carefully picked words to actually say "A freefall record closer to the edge of space than ever tried before"
  5. Hes in the capsule now. I guess they are checking up on him if everything is alright.
  6. So may we conclude that this benign virus will eventually be killed by antibodies, which removes their special ability?
  7. And its up at 2 hours again. Hats off to Felix, should be hard to be in a state of readyness for so long.
  8. Starbound It's a 2D space exploration sandbox game with endless generated worlds.
  9. Also show him the Mythbusters episode "The NASA Moonlanding".
  10. Thanks, I'll look in to it. What do you mean with poly-bank? The laser is using Sunbeam Laser by Tosh, it's using the default setting. It will be toned down.
  11. First I need to finish texturing the models and then polishing and testing, so when that's done we are close to a first release.
  12. It can do 100% transparency, so here's a suggestion. - Draw the window frame. - Make the glass 100% transparent. - Add a window glare. Like this: Screenshot of photoshop, not the actual texture. The white and gray blocks are 100% transparency.
  13. It'll have more functionality than prometheus.
  14. Very nice design, it's like a giant space flower.
  15. It's probably a Windows XP version. I doubt it'll run KSP, but you could hook it up to a new PC.
  16. Yes, we teamed up to bring an even better Curiosity replica to KSP.
  17. About the name, you're right, maybe it should be named something else. Anyone have any ideas? I could just call it curious... I'm done UV mapping the body. One down, many to go.
  18. You'll be able to shoot lasers, though it wont destroy anything.
  19. "Done" with modelling, now it's time for some texture.
  20. To use the parachute analogy; Why use a parachute if there is no place to land?
  21. Great job! How does it work, do you need to "decouple" the cart before it can drive off?
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