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The Stinger

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Everything posted by The Stinger

  1. I doubt it will be done today, as Kospy lives in France and he might be actually sleeping atm. As I understand it, the thing which broke(due to the new part databse system) in the plugin is a large portion of the plugin. So it'll take some time to get adapted to the new system. I'm not a coder though. In any case it'll take some time.
  2. The fact that they don't show any solid plans, doesn't mean that they don't have them. There is just no reason to show the public a WIP plan. They've contracts running with companies involved in various space exploration sectors. They also have a list advisors, people who actually worked for NASA, ESA, etc. Their only hurdle is money. They just need enough to get the snowball rolling.
  3. But Mars One isn't crowdsourcing, so it's not a even an example. It would be rather sad to see something like Mars One not working. If it didn't work, then that would mean that humanity would rather watch Jersey Shore than a mission to Mars.
  4. Anything that will get people on Mars gets my vote. It's unlikely that a kickstarter would get the full funding, but it would sure help. But it would also need a well know and respected person to get the ball rolling.
  5. It works fine if you look at the docking port with a "birds-eye-view" angle.
  6. It's a 0.20 update, all parts are using the new file structure.
  7. I like the notion of communicating through the chemical elements, as portrayed in a Stargate episode. Cause if it's an intelligent race it would know what chemical elements are.
  8. There's the Buran and the Canadarm in the Arms Pack: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/robotic-arms-pack/
  9. Hey thanks for the quick update. Everything seems to work like it should.
  10. When adding the following to a pod, cockpit or probecore, mechjebs breaks. The menu on the side will be empty in VAB and on the launchpad. And when trying to liftoff, the vehicle gets stuck. The engines run but it just doesn't want to move. Screenshots of the empty menus:
  11. Try running KSP.x86 instead of KSP.x86_64, if found the 64bit version to be very unstable at times.
  12. How come some menu items are still there if you have the corresponding modules disabled. The actually window of the module is empty though. Or is there a way to remove the menu items from the list?
  13. So what you say is it's better to have decades and decades of rovers examining other planets, instead of having manned mission which does it in 1 mission.
  14. You are still over looking the fact that rovers can only carry so much instruments and are limited by their hardware and input from Earth. Humans are more versatile thane rovers. They can do things faster, decide situations for themselves and can do more stuff in a day than rovers in their whole lifespan.
  15. Just read this article: Why Space Exploration Is a Job for Humans And if you don't want to then just read this quote: And by the way, they do little exploration. Most of the time goes into planning a safe route, determining which spots to examine and if it's safe for the rover to use it's instruments on the sample. It took curiosity many weeks to finally examine an actual sample.
  16. It might be that they smoke graphic did load properly.
  17. As long as we can't reach them, we are unable to destroy a Type III civilization.
  18. The orbit would decline the closer you would get to the periapsis and you would get sucked in.
  19. The Cuban missile crisis, look it up.
  20. I've got the same problem, but I'm running Linux Mint 14. Don't know what causes it though, so I removed it.
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