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Posts posted by JonnyOThan

  1. 55 minutes ago, Space_Coyote said:

    Well, I'm having an issue with this mod. As I have the abpilty to use the parts, however not change them into other configurations (In short you can't take the 6 way hub and turn them into 5 way, 4 way, 4way (Planar), etc..


    I'm just wondering if this is a mod causing the problems or something else..

    Because in the past, I used to be able to do this, but now? Nothing...



    Sounds like you might be missing B9PartSwitch, one of the dependencies.  I highly recommend using CKAN to install your mods so you can be sure that everything is installed correctly, you have all the dependencies, and there are no conflicts.

    If you *did* use CKAN to install, you may have hit an issue where CKAN's registry is out of sync with what actually is installed.  This commonly happens if someone manually deletes mods from GameData without also uninstalling them in CKAN - it won't realize they're gone.  You can right-click on a mod in CKAN and select "reinstall" to fix it.  Or start over from a blank slate because it's difficult to figure out which ones are missing.

    In any case, if you need help your best bet is to post your ksp.log file somewhere.

  2. 15 hours ago, Motokid600 said:

    I found FreeIVA spamming NREs during testing of a new install.


    NullReferenceException: routine is null
      at UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.StopCoroutine (UnityEngine.Coroutine routine) [0x00009] in <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0 
      at FreeIva.FreeIva.LateUpdate () [0x00017] in <571a4b40afea4458999efde31f8b5cd5>:0 
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    Mod List

    Possible culprits. Reviva, ASET, DE_IVAExtension, MOARdv, MOARdvPlus ?

    Thanks for the report! Huh, I'm not really sure what could have caused that.  Do you have any mods that relate to or did you do anything weird with the kerbal portraits?

    I can guarantee it's not directly caused by any of the mods you listed.  What command pod were you using when this happened?  Can you share a screenshot?

    (for future reference I'd prefer to use ksp.log instead of player.log when a crash isn't involved)

    I'm pretty sure I could avoid the exception spam but I'd like to know how it got into that state.

  3. 1 hour ago, Lathari said:

    (not willing to try with 'true' as vessels get borked)

    This may make the logs next to useless - generally you need to reproduce the problem and then post your logs.  You can easily make a backup save before toggling the switch, then turn it off again and load the save.  It may also be useful to post your save file itself.

    FWIW, I leave that setting at default and I haven't seen that behavior, so it's something specific to your setup.

  4. 7 hours ago, ElonsMusk said:

    Dude the rotating habitats have functional gravity??? I'm blown away. When this mod started I thought "this is cool but what I imagine can't be possible in KSP...". Boy was I wrong.

    Not only that, but you can grab certain objects and throw them around.  They react to accelerations of the vessel, and the artificial gravity in the centrifuges.  Centrifugal force from the vessel rotating is not yet modeled though.

    Oh and it all works with VR :p

  5. I'm adopting another great IVA mod - @dsonbill's kOSPropMonitor.  This wonderful mod adds a kOS terminal to RasterPropMonitor screens.

    There's no functional changes in this version, except that I'm going to fix the zip file issues that have prevented this from being updated on CKAN.

    Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3473/kOSPropMonitor-Adopted (coming soon to CKAN)
    License: GPLv3
    Source Code: https://github.com/jonnyothan/kospropmonitor

    Original thread here: 


  6. 2 hours ago, Red Dwarf said:

    It looks like there is a tunnel in the model which would allow for moving through to the attached crew tube, but the internal wall texture is blocking access to it.

    The visual wall and the physical blocker are not the same thing.  One is a render mesh and one is a collider.  You need to cut holes in both of these to make this work (this is why FreeIva as a whole is technically challenging).

    Cutting a hole in the visual model is not very difficult.  You need to find the name of the mesh in the model file (importing it with blender is the best approach here).  Then in the HatchConfig module you can add

    cutoutTargetTransformName = <mesh name>

    For the collider, you'll need to edit the .mu file I created (FreeIva/SSPX/Spaces/sspx-habitation-375-2-iva) to cut out a hole where the hatch goes through.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Red Dwarf said:

    Is the highlighted line the only thing controlling whether a hatch can be moved through?

    No, the highlighted line is what creates the attach node.

    The hatches could be configured manually, where they specify what airlock to use and what attachnode they are connected to.  If there's no manual configuration then they will look for nearby and aligned attachnodes and airlocks.  The very last @PROP[NF_HTCH_EVA_Basic] looks like it has manual configuration (the HatchConfig module).  You could add

    attachNodeId = <your attachnode here>

     to that block, or try just removing the MODULE block entirely and see if the automatic detection system works.  Note that if your attach node is named node_stack_airlock, then you'd strip off the "node_stack_" part and just write `attachNodeId = airlock`

  8. 2 hours ago, Red Dwarf said:

    Is it possible to add attachment nodes through cfg editing? I've noticed that the stock hitchhiker and lab parts have nodes on their external doors that are compatible with freeiva, and it would be really useful if I could add that functionality to other parts.

    It sure is, here's one example: https://github.com/pizzaoverhead/FreeIva/blob/662cda3a1ed9a2a5e1bba39d5179d7ebaccf62a0/GameData/FreeIva/Squad/PartCfgs/crewCabin.cfg#L16

    The first set of 3 numbers in the cfg are the position, the 2nd set of 3 is the normal (the vector perpendicular to the surface), and the last number is the node size.

    I'd suggest using the blender plugin for finding the right coords.  You can import the part .mu file, create an empty axes, position it where you want the node, then click "show model transform" and copy the coords from the output log. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Stormwalker said:

    EDIT:  Found the problem, but haven't figure out how to fix it yet.

    Problem is not in fact MKS (or anything by RoverDude) at all, actually.  Nor was it a mod I currently have installed.  At one point in the past I had the Global Construction mod installed, and apparently when I uninstalled it (using CKAN), some files got left behind, and those are causing this "NEED" in SSPXR-MKS-Extras.cfg to be satisfied as GroundConstruction (from the Global Construction mod) is an alternate to MKS for this requirement ( other things in MKS Extras are not being applied as the "NEED" for MKS for those items is not satisfied).

    [LOG 16:30:23.837] Deleting root node in file StationPartsExpansionRedux/Patches/SSPXR-MKS-Extras node: @PART[sspx-inflatable-centrifuge-25-1]:NEEDS[MKS,!Kerbalism]:AFTER[MKS] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS

    So, even though I don't have MKS, and don't have Global Construction anymore, it is apparently enough to fool ModuleManager into thinking I *do* have Global Construction.

    I deleted the files that I found, but apparently that was not enough, and there is some other vestige of GlobalConstruction remaining in my install that I have to track down and remove.


    EDIT 2:  Reinstalling and uninstalling Global Construction via CKAN fixed it.

    When you uninstall a mod in CKAN, it will ask you if you want to delete any folders that were left behind (these are usually created by the mod as it runs like settings files, cached data, icon thumbnails, etc.). If you don’t tell CKAN to delete these files, it causes exactly the problem you describe.

  10. FreeIva is now available!


    Controls: https://github.com/pizzaoverhead/FreeIva/wiki/Controls
    Support: https://discord.gg/vBDzZAq3AF
    Supported Mods: https://github.com/pizzaoverhead/FreeIva/wiki#compatibility


    • ModuleManager is required.
    • B9PartSwitch is recommended for passable variants of some of the stock parts.
    • Reviva is recommended for even more passable variants of some stock and modded parts.
    • RasterPropMonitor and ASET Consolidated Props are recommended for the stock inline docking ports.
    • CommunityCategoryKit is recommended to see all FreeIVA-supported parts at once. You can also type "freeiva" into the stock search box, but may get some false positives.

    Notable Changes

    Bug Fixes Etc.

    • Fix some issues with Mk2Expansion
    • Added missing parameters to settings.cfg (jump key, jumpforce, walkable slope)
    • Support parts that don't use mesh colliders
    • Fix NRE when airlock is missing
    • Tourists can no longer go EVA
    • Now checks for obstructions before playing the animation on EVA hatches
    • Parts without inherent tags now get the freeiva tag and category correctly
    • Fixed KPBS landing engine passthrough
    • Fixed some issues with Exploration Rover Systems
    • Smoothed out roll inputs in zero-g

    Known Issues

    • Windows in distant parts do not render correctly
    • Centrifuge internals are always visible when JSI Advanced Transparent Pods is installed


  11. 5 hours ago, bdleitner said:

    I've run into this as well (also, first ever forum post, so I'm not sure what I need to do in terms of add info on my mods/logs).

    I did a bunch of calculations for a 6-kerbal manned Duna mission (my first manned interplanetary mission).  I included two PXL-RANCH hydroponics modules, TACLS 3.75 supplies and waste containers, and a 3.75m water container, since I noticed that even through the two hydroponics modules should balance 6 Kerbals in waste/oxygen, the water cost is nonzero. 


    So this thing should be essentially self sufficient, and I tested the design in an experimental game my magicking it our to Duna with hypereedit and then time warping for a very long time (~ 1 year) and watched the food supply remain stable.


    But in my main game, where I don't have the focus on my ship, the food consumption goes haywire and I got a low-food warning after 18d en route.  When full, TACLS says I have enough food for ~2y21d, but after 18d in flight I was down to 87d.

    I looks like Nanderson423 reported this over a year ago, but I don't see any responses.  Is this a known issue?

    Seems likely to be a bug in TACLS not SSPX.  Interesting… https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/issues/112

  12. This line indicates that you ran out of memory: 

    System Commit Total/Limit/Peak: 23388MB/40137MB/40074MB

    You have 32gb ram, and windows usually reserves up to ~3x your ram amount on your main OS drive for the paging file.  But the system commit limit (ram + paging file) is only 40gb.  So either the drive where your paging file is stored is nearly full or you manually limited the pagefile size (don't do this).  To stop KSP from crashing you need to either free up space on your main OS drive, move the pagefile to a different drive (this is very inadvisable if the other drive is slow, you need the pagefile to be as fast as possible), or make KSP take less memory.  Reducing the texture quality setting is the easiest way to make KSP take less memory, but obviously the game won't look as nice.  Removing mods should also help.  Closing other memory-hungry programs while playing KSP will also help.

    There's a great free app called Wiztree that can help analyze your disk space usage.

  13. 5 hours ago, Stormwalker said:

    I'm a whole lot confused.

    I tried to launch a station with a centrifuge module, and it won't deploy because it says I need something called "Material Kits".

    I googled "KSP Material Kits" and found out they come from another mod called MKS.

    I don't have MKS.  I don't WANT MKS, because it comes with a lot of things in which I have no interest.  Your mod doesn't say that it depends on MKS (if it did, I wouldn't have installed it!).  Is it supposed to be asking me for stuff from MKS if I don't have MKS?  Because if so, I might as well uninstall it.

    It doesn’t depend on MKS. Some other mod you have must be patching it somehow. But without logs we can’t tell what it might be.

  14. New kos-eva version: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/kOS-EVA/releases

    Note: now depends on harmony: https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/HarmonyKSP

    • Added :LIGHTS and :RCS suffixes (thanks @SofieBrink)
    • KISAutoEquip and KerbalBot addons now use the KSPAssemblyDependency so they won't be loaded when KIS and RemoteTech aren't installed, respectively
    • Movement is now properly hooked into the kerbal eva state machine. No more janky animations!
    • Add :VISOR and :HELMET toggles
    • Add :STATE suffix
    • Added many movement-related suffixes: :NEUTRALIZE, :STARBOARD, :TOP, :FORE, :MOVETHROTTLE, :JUMP, :SPRINT
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