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Posts posted by JonnyOThan

  1. I had the same exception spam issue as @Gordon Dry, and mistakenly filed the issue on RSE.


    (would be nice to enable issues on github for this repo)

    [EXC 23:20:58.886] ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: source
        UnityEngine.AudioSource.set_pitch (System.Single value) (at <ef5b8cd90213481289b135c5e24d44ad>:0)
        ShipEffectsContinued.SEMaster.Update () (at <eee631751eb7477daa59a437fe7d7785>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)


  2. FreeIVA is now available!

    Notable Changes

    • Habtech CBM hatches now have a blocked variant
    • Stock mk3 crew cabin now has ventral and dorsal hatches and attachnodes
    • Open animation limit can now be configured per hatch
    • B9PSConditionalProp can now specify multiple subtypes

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed some missing texture errors
    • Fixed a bug where using the seats in the inline docking ports could cause the IVA kerbal to stop spawning
    • Fixed a bug preventing requireDeploy in the internal module from working
    • Improved error reporting when a cutout target isn't found
    • Prevent going EVA from hatches connected to deactivated airlocks
    • "Close forever" button on the tutorial window will now keep it closed until the next KSP restart instead of per scene
    • Fixed auto-detection system for internal spaces that are only referenced via Reviva configs (fixes hatches in some warbirds cockpits when used with Reviva, and probably others)
    • Fixed centrifugal force calculation for spinning parts so that it points towards the axis of rotation rather than center of mass
    • Fixed broken camera when boarding from EVA before IVA had ever been used since the last scene switch
    • Fixed boarding behavior not working when using a kerbal that had not gone EVA since the last scene switch
    • Planetside: Fix hatches not changing properly per subtype in the vertical base node
    • Planetside: Fix going EVA from some parts when alternate endcaps were used
    • Restock: Fix error message when using mk1 lander
    • Restock: Fix inflatable airlock
    • Restock: Fixed hatches in mk2landercan
    • SSPX: inflatable habs and centrifuges no longer show the internal in the IVA overlay when not inflated/expanded
    • SXT: Fixed hatches and cutouts in large passenger cabin
    • SXT: Fixed a bad model reference in the 6-way hub
    • KNES: Fixed dorsal hatch on French Hermes crew module and docking module
    • Tantares: Included v2 parts in support patches
    • ACK: Fixed blocked bottom hatch in HLS
    • ACK: Fixed wrong cutout target in HLS
  3. 3 hours ago, Alpha_star said:

    Have you added FreeIVA support for KIU yet? I didn't see it on the list but I assume you're working on it.

    I haven’t started on it, but it’s in the list.  However for an actively developed mod it probably makes more sense for FreeIva support to be part of that mod itself.  My memory is hazy, but when I first looked at KIU I noticed a few things that would ideally be changed in the base internal models for better support.  I can send initial stuff as a PR maybe.

  4. 1 hour ago, MartyrKomplx said:

    So, I've been away from KSP for a few months and started putting together a new modlist for a fresh start. KSP Community Fixes is the first one on the list. My problem is that randomly I'll get a KSPCF warning for  a plugin failing to load: Microsoft.GeneratedCode in 'Dynamic'


    I can't seem to narrow down what other mod might be causing it, or if it's even caused by a mod at all. I get it randomly/sporadically. On the exact same modlist, I might get it once out of every four or five start-ups and then I'll start getting it on every start-up and then back to one out of every ten to fifteen. So just adding/removing mods to narrow down is downright difficult, if not potentially impossible due to the inconsistent nature of it.

    Hopefully, someone here has an idea what's causing it, or a better way to find incompatibilities for this warning; or maybe the warning doesn't really affect gameplay for the most part?

    You'll need to post your ksp.log somewhere for someone to look at.

  5. KCHS’s install instructions for ckan exclude the KIU/Common directory: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/blob/92582f8b81dce1f246b336a7b432ce3c4a40d832/NetKAN/KIUChineseHumanSpaceflightPack.netkan#L22

    The common folder (excluding Extras) is installed via the KIU Common package here: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/blob/92582f8b81dce1f246b336a7b432ce3c4a40d832/NetKAN/KIUChinese-Common.netkan#L10

    looks like you haven’t put out a new release of that package on Spacedock with the new folder location.


    if you’d like to change these, you can send PRs for the netkan files or get in touch with the CKAN team and tell them what you’d like changed.

    heres the historical context: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/9403#issuecomment-1296314187

  6. 1 hour ago, CubertFarnsworth said:


    Major Noob here. Messed around with KSP for a while, but NEVER REALLY messed around with mods. AMAZING. and big shout out and thanks to the moding community!!!

    Now for my Noob question: going out on a limb and saying that KOS-SCANSAT does not work with the current 1.12.5.xx KSP. According to Ckan.

    Asking because I am getting the "No Satellite Connection" on the Nav computer.


    KOS-Scansat doesn't have anything to do with that RPM page.  It's a binding layer between KOS and Scansat.  And all these mods *are* compatible with the latest version of KSP - you may want to check versions 1.8-1.12 as compatible in CKAN.  But thanks for the heads up, I'll make sure the compatibility is updated.

  7. 4 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    Release 0.9.5

    • Added CookBook basic experiment. (Requires Fishing Drone wedge on ship and Buffalo 2 mod installed.)
    • Added missing solar panel modules.
    • Disabled altitude tiers in deep sea dive experiments. The WBI plugin has not been confirmed to support them.
    • Updated cost, capability and CTT location of wedge RTG.
    • Updated localization in several places.
    • Updated subtype names in 1.25m rack. May upset some craft files.
    • Now available on SpaceDock

    @JonnyOThan Ready for CKAN. Relationships in opening post.

    Would you mind checking the "add to ckan" box on spacedock?  That will automate a lot of the process.

  8. 1 hour ago, hikerchick29 said:

    Here's the craft file.  Soyuz LK-OK or any other variant using the Vingleboks set


    Huh.  The tantares_v2_orbital_module_s1_2 part references an internal space (tantares_v2_orbital_module_s1_2_interior) that doesn't exist.  Looks like this is a new issue introduced in tantares here: https://github.com/Tantares/Tantares/commit/bc94ae338c5bfb4933624fcbe1a96a4725774da8

    You can *probably* edit those files or write a patch to make them point at the correct internals (tantares_orbital_module_s1_2_interior etc)


    (the ksp.log file would have made this obvious in less time btw)

  9. 46 minutes ago, hikerchick29 said:

    The Tantares Soyuz IVA won't allow the hatch between the OM and the CM to open.  It says "hatch blocked" if I use either of the inline size 0 parachute options available.  Oddly, the N1-L3 version of the setup works.

    Can you give the specific attachment ordering and names of parts, or better yet a craft file?

    I loaded the provided [Soyuz] LOK craft file, and this setup works for me.  If it doesn't work for you, please post your ksp.log file.


  10. 5 hours ago, KerbalTechnician said:

    i would, but i use telemachus which does not work right in 1.12.3 and I have lots of other mods (74 i think)

    Nearly all mods that work in 1.8 or later will work in 1.12.3, but the reverse is not true.

    You need to find your log file in any case.

  11. 7 hours ago, AmanitaVerna said:

    After updating this mod from to 1.4.0, I started getting a bunch of B9PartSwitch errors on the mass driver parts from the Netherdyne mass driver mod, and I don't understand why. This is the only thing I've updated since the last time I ran KSP, nothing else has changed.

    I've zipped up my KSP.log, player.log, ModuleManager.log, MMPatch.log, and ModuleManager.ConfigCache into a .7z file with 7zip and uploaded it here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlnEemcsDL9Xlc1s6oqU77pOkbfMrg?e=h9WKvD

    The first B9PS error in the KSP.log starts with this and is on line 91244:

    [WRN 00:13:10.060] Warning on PartSubtype MissionControl_ASET on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='IVASwitch') on part massdriver1: Cannot match a module node without a name!
    [EXC 00:13:10.061] ArgumentException: Cannot match a module node without a name!
        B9PartSwitch.ModuleMatcher.NodeMatchesModule (PartModule module, ConfigNode node) (at <a3c2951fc74e4639820ef37d2d29f386>:0)
        B9PartSwitch.ModuleMatcher.FindPrefabNode (PartModule module) (at <a3c2951fc74e4639820ef37d2d29f386>:0)

    (I've never figured out how to use these mass driver parts, so I might just remove the mod they're in, but there's no guarantee this is the only thing that's broken with the new version of PCR)

    (Edit: I decided to roll back to PCR instead.)

    Thanks for the report and logs.  This is caused by incorrectly configured parts in Netherdyne: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/NeatherdyneMassDriver/issues/1

    I believe you should be fine to just ignore that error.

  12. 6 hours ago, KerbalTechnician said:

    Im playing on 1.11.1 and I can't open hatches, and when I turn on gravity I get thrown through the walls and get thrown straight into the center of kerbin.  Also, I dont know if it's from this mod or SSPX, but the iva for the center of the  gemini(?) centrifuge is just black and white stripes when I walk in. I can't find log files from how the log file finding topic says to, and the hidden file opening link gives me a 404. It might be from something being messed up from the SSPX IVA extras folder.

    I’d suggest playing on 1.12.3 or later, but without log files I really can’t help much.

  13. Version 1.0.0 is now available!

    Changes from previous version

    • Giant refactoring of patches to make it easier to add support for mods and parts
    • Fixed bugs regarding RPM variable persistence and action group memos being lost
    • Fixed bugs that prevented ProbeControlRoom from working properly with Reviva
    • Added Apex and Kermantech options for mk3 cockpit
    • Fixed some configuration bugs
  14. 2 hours ago, Adiri said:

    Sorry. It’s my mod, I can do with it what I wish.

    Would you be OK with someone else adopting it?  The license is very permissive so someone *could* do that without asking, but usually it's nice to get the blessing of the original author.

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