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Everything posted by kodemunkey

  1. Kodemunkey Aerospace Press Release After many months of sucessful testing* We are proud** to announce the unveling of our first working VTOL aircraft. Nicknamed the "Swimmer" for its unique *** tendancy for the wings to shift position as it flies. As usual, feel free to visit the many modern art installations that have appeared over these past months, all across the city. **** *9 pilots out of 10 survived. ** Like Really proud, so much so that we're giving off pride radiation, don't get too close. *** One of our designers was initially sent for mental assesment for drawing up the design. We later learnt he was...er is an avid "Star Wars" fan and was attempting to copy Slave 1's flying style. **** Visitors are warned to be wary of sharp edges, however nature will take its course (Just saying) [Additional notes] 1.It has a tendancy to lean backwards ever so slightly upon leaning the ground, and therefore is the only currently known example of an aircraft that flies backwards. 2.No really, some very sharp edges.
  2. "A good landing is one you can walk away from"
  3. I almost have a working vtol prototype, i'll post a link in a while. it has swept wings, one forward facing jet engine and either 4 or 6 vtol jets.
  4. Yeah, i'm aware of that. I was wondering about using it on a flat planet before i go moon surfing (providing i can learn how to actually get the frak into orbit first, then out of it)
  5. I like these alot, i think i shall have to download these.
  6. Ah, thanks again. I was testing out a smaller version of my space plane, currently it keeps pitching forwards and to the right, i'm assuming i still need to find the aircraft's centre of gravity? And would this be helped by putting vtol engines on the side? Incidentally, how the heck do i actually make VTOL work?
  7. Ah, so the avionics do nothing and i do need asas then?
  8. Ok, next question, is there a vtol tutorial on the forum? i found one on youtube, but it mentioned the c7 / k7 aircraft parts mod, which i dont think has working links.
  9. Go me, i forgot to put the parts in the parts folder, all sorted now
  10. I must be a huge idiot then, because i cant get it to work, are there any other programs i need ?
  11. Ah! thanks I presume there's also a handy mod installation guide? or is it idiot proof and i just shove the files in the correct folders?
  12. The video mentioned a mod called Damned Aeropsace & Robitics, i searched for it on the forum, but i cant find it, is it really old? Also, how do i actually activate VTOL mode on the engines that have it?
  13. I saw a war video with a VTOL aircraft, where would i find those parts?
  14. This is my first attempt at a space plane. I'm beginning to think the ramscoops are a bit too much for this plane, and perhaps it's a fuselage segment too long?
  15. Thanks, i'll look into that, in the meantime, here's a picture of my plane.
  16. I threw together a spaceplane this morning, and when i take off the thing always dips to the right and smears itself across the runway. I'm thinking it's due to the super duper ramscoop engines i have in it. Is this the case, and do any of you more experienced types have any useful tips for me?
  17. Kodemunkey Aerospace is pleased to announce the first successful test flight of a spaceplane prototype, it was a complete success and the pilot is on an extended holiday at one of our beach relaxation facilities.* *I had forgotten that shift controls the throttle and space bar starts the engine. Somehow, the nose landing gear had fallen off just sitting on the runway. The spaceplane scrapes along the runway, before i remember the aircraft controls. The nose pitches up vertically on full power, does a quintruple barrel roll into the upper atmosphere, half a dozen loop the loops getting perilously close to the rocket launching area, the sea and the ground. Since this was a prototype, i also installed four very large parachutes, you know for safety reasons. All four parachutes deploy at the same time, causing the aircraft to fold in on itself, and spit out the cockpit like a spitball leaving a straw. The cockpit somehow manages to make contact with the ground at just the right angle and it then rolls around the airfield like a hubcap released from a car wheel. Somehow every single piece of debris manages to miss the cockpit. Elapsed mission time, 30 minutes and one jibbering wreck of a test pilot.
  18. Sunlight catching my latest failed attempt to break orbit over the night side of the planet.
  19. One of my first multi stage rockets with the detachable socket things fell apart on the launchpad liked a freshly peeled banana.
  20. I'm not arguing the cost by any means, i plan on getting it once the massive diy project is finished around the house.
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