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Everything posted by kodemunkey

  1. Sorry to seem lazy, but would you mind finding me a link?
  2. So could i then make a space plane which piggy backs on a rocket? Also, could you recommend me some?
  3. Are there any mods with still active links that i can use in the demo?
  4. Why not? is there an automatic life raft?
  5. I don't know if this happens in later versions, but whenever my capsules hit the water, two of the crew drown almost instantly. The other one lingers for a few seconds looking scared.
  6. And Kodemunkey Aerospace loves you too* *Any feelings of love expressed by Kodemunkey Aerospace are not to be construed as a positive workplace review, any attempt to do so will result in being placed on debris clean up in the attack dog training fields.
  7. I'm still on the demo as i'm broke, i'm using it to practice orbiting the planet in a stable orbit, and the breaking out of a stable orbit from the planet to orbit the mun. Landings will come when i get the full version.
  8. I've been flung out of the system twice so far O_O
  9. Orbited the planet for 10 days on an eccentric orbit, left the solar system on day 13
  10. Kodemunkey Aerospace Facilty #1 10.00 KST As you may be aware, citizens, there have been numerous successful* tests of the Stupidity Orbiter Mk1 over the past few months and we are proud to announce the MK2 version of the Stupidity Orbiter** Our hearty congratulations go out to the crew of the Munar Express, currently enaged in a record breaking 13 day orbit of the planet*** *As stated previously, our version of succesful differs to yours in many legal jurisdictions, however you are still safer than being on the streets of New Kerbal City after dark. ** The explosions you have been hearing the past few months are nothing more than a heavily localised thunderstorm, and are in no way related to The Kodemunkey Weather Modification program. Please report anything that is in no way similar to rocket debris to your nearest Kodemunkey Aerospace office and please stay inside until the cleanup is completed. *** The current crew orbited the planet for 10 days before being ejected from the solar system.
  11. Thanks Ziff, maybe later i'll post the previous versions of my orbiter, those truly are stupid. Half of them fell apart on the launchpad. It also helps that i'm an avid space nut and that i have way too much of an imagination, so this game and minecraft are perfect for me. :cool:
  12. I dont think gimballed engines are in the demo, unless you're talking about the two liquid fueled engines? ...Wait, that's a small ship? O_o
  13. Ah, i didn't realise i only needed one of those. I can never work out the pest place for winglets, any tips?
  14. Here she is folks, after countles Kerbal deaths and more tests than i can count, my first sucessful* orbiter, The Stupidity Orbiter I have now progressed from killing my crews on the launchpad to killing them on impact with the night side of the planet. But seriously, i can now aim for the moon, miss completely and land my crew by parachute safely** I presume i need thrusters to aim for the moon? *Please note that Kodemunkey Aerospace considers a Kerbal crew dieing on the other side of the planet a successful flight should all else go wrong. **Your definition of "safe" may differ from Kodemunkey Aerospace, its shareholders and defense contractors.
  15. I usually use liquid rockets to get off the ground with about 3 fuel tanks each, i suppose that could be my problem?
  16. I'm on the demo still, so struts are the way forward for now.
  17. Ah! Thanks. I do rather like the idea of the third stage having parachutes on the fuel tank though, i'll have to experiment.
  18. Ah, im not sure if that will be much good to me then, i'm currently using the demo till i can afford the main game.
  19. My parachutes are usually atop the command module, and in one design i had them atop boosters so they could fall away. In a single stage rocket, i sometimes click the parachute icon before pressing the space bar. Am i turning the parachute 'off' by doing this?
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