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Everything posted by Moustachauve

  1. I am planning to finish it today, or in the worst case tomorrow
  2. Well, your internet might be the problem, because it work very well on my computer and on some other computer I tested it on.
  3. On the thread, there is a link in my signature
  4. 0/10, I don't remember you (It is hard to remember people only by name, you should make an avatar )
  5. Mine will probably be like this :
  6. The only reason why you wouldn't is probably because the font is too small. I think it look good when used a little bit bigger
  7. Here is a nice video about comic sans from Vsauce
  8. Banned for no ribbons in your signature
  9. Oh crap, I totally forgot that I had to do this ! I will work on it right now, and afterwards I'll continue the Shield thing
  10. 1/10, I don't remember you :/
  11. 1/10, I think it is the first time I see you
  12. You could try this one, but it is slightly smaller. It is the one I used in my signature.. Edit : those are PNGs with transparency, maybe this is why you get this weird thing around it when you use it in whatever program you use
  13. If you want, I can give you a ftp repo. on my web server with a subdomain that will give you the ability to have a download link and even a website contact me by PM if you are interested
  14. Yes, It is me, I worked only a little bit lastly, mainly on the front end part. I'm still thinking on how I will do it. I am more and more penching to do some sort of SVG thingys with Jquery, but I still need to find a good api. You should ask this on the main ribbon thread, so Unistrut can see your suggestion http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25188-Planet-Ribbons-Redux?p=317315#post317315 I'm going to work on shield integration for now, may take longer than I though it would.
  15. The parameter A influence how expanded the function will be on the Y axis, The parameter B is the same, but on the X axis H and K just translate it on the graph
  16. You were playing with the parameters of functions
  17. Yea, I forgot to precise that it is written in french (well, there is not a lot of writting, anyway) I would put more accuracy, but my teacher use it with an tactile whiteboard, and if the incrementation is too big, it is hard for him to place it at a particular point
  18. Sorry, I meant to write "Are not transparent", and by the middle of a letter, I speak of the two little bubbles in B, for example. They are white, instead of transparent
  19. Oh by the way, the middle of some letters are transparent, you might want to change this
  20. Hey, I've just made a Graphic that draw functions for my math teacher so he could use it on his interactive whiteboard to facilitate him showing them to his students. I wanted to share it with you, it may be useful http://cgagnier.ca/gived/graph/ If you have any suggestion on how to enhance it or if you would like me to add more function, tell it to me
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