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Everything posted by BigD145

  1. Here's a simple station made from your tubes. The top and bottom rings are mirrors of each other so the handholds on the exterior are on the outside of the whole structure. It's just a quick design for zero g. http://i40.tinypic.com/11ig32q.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/9r60eu.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/2n9xftv.jpg The remnants of the lifter stage are still attached. It has enough fuel to put it into Munar orbit, I think.
  2. Thanks for the rebirth of this mod. Happy trails to you on your plans. I'm liking what you've done thus far.
  3. This is quite fun. http://i39.tinypic.com/fac3uo.jpg I cannot get grabbing and attachment of tubes to work right. Pieces don't line up.
  4. You can just edit the cfg file of the basic mechjeb part. Make its tech "basic" instead of "flightControl".
  5. Most likely the tech tree. I ended up unlocking everything before the Zenith's showed up. If you go into sandbox you can strip off some parts, but there are the smallest unmanned pods hidden in most designs.
  6. Add more detachable parts. Make it a 3 or 4 piece shuttle. Instead or adding structural bits add in RCS because you'll need it.
  7. If you have multiple antennas you can send batches of research in parallel. Got one goo canister? Take a reading and send it off. While that is sending you can take another goo reading and send that off on a second antenna at the same time. If all antennas are busy you have to wait for the retract animation to finish before you can use that antenna again.
  8. You can't even save the craft files in sandbox and copy them over to career, apparently. Subassemblies made in the VAB also do not work. It keeps saying I don't have the tech, but I do. I stripped them down to the bare bones and found the hidden pods. You can make a beeline to fuel ducts. That's how tech trees work. You go down the line based on your priorities.
  9. It would be nice to see this updated with parts earlier in the .22 tech tree. As is you can unlock 95% of the tree and still not have access to these designs. It's usually because even the subassemblies have giant or miniature unmanned pods that exist late in the tree. I know the tail connector is used a lot, but the pod/guidance is the biggest hindrance for career mode. Time to alter these a bit since official subassemblies don't need pods.
  10. Very nice. The early version of the Toy Box lives. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetes
  11. Just stop with the spam, please.
  12. Interesting. We could use more unconventional parts.
  13. Hexagons will allow all sorts of shapes in the near spherical range.
  14. http://www.colbertnation.com/full-episodes/tue-august-16-2011-crew-of-sts-135 Feel free to skip to the last big section in the video for the interview and hilarity.
  15. Environmental Scientist. The future of your planet belongs to me. Or you can take it away from all of us.
  16. I wish that Spore game had been released. Too bad it hasn't been.
  17. I gave $8 to cover the 7 and the fees from me using my credit card.
  18. Warp nacelles are not boosters.
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