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Everything posted by BigD145

  1. You could always launch a rover with the biggest dishes next to kerbsat.
  2. I don't know what happened but 107 broke itself. The AR202 is unplaceable and loading any vehicle with one on makes the whole vehicle unclickable and destaged (no orange staging numbers, just every part from staging in a tall vertical tower of grey blocks). Deleting and putting 105 in fixes everything. I was going from 105 to 107, deleting mechjeb2 from gamedata only before copying the new mechjeb2 folder in.
  3. That is a lot more than just Kethane parts. List your mods in each image.
  4. Not off topic at all. My point was just that the game itself cheats. Squad built "cheats" in at every facet from construction to flight. Users are encouraged to do things that are not realistic because IT'S A GAME.
  5. I've shipped a hundred tons into LKO, many that are very tall, with mechjeb and the only times things went wrong were when my designs were unbalanced OR I set the wrong control pod/probe core.
  6. The light end Zenith's are career friendly in lower tier IF you remove a couple things like nosecones and tiny probe pods.
  7. Dual boot all the way. There's lots of software that won't run on 64 bit.
  8. Debris that touches the ground will often just disappear/sink, from what I've seen. It's a KSP thing not a mod thing.
  9. It's not that uncommon for mods to build off other mods. Just install the dll. It's tiny. You can put it in gamedata or plugins and it'll do its job. The alternative is overwriting stock parts and that's an even bigger headache to roll back when needed. It makes bug reports to Squad absolutely hellish.
  10. Low part count, high career science requirements. We're talking about .22 so career mode should be part of the conversation here.
  11. It's no more cheating than using maneuver nodes, having dotted lines for apoapsis, or having an external view.
  12. If you didn't migrate to Steam you should already have the KSP.zip. Just keep that around.
  13. Manned missions should work fine in 1.2.6. Any other mod you use could be at fault here.
  14. You can always use KAS and/or docking to put multiple crafts together.
  15. I put a command post at the north pole and that required multiple missions working with two polar satellites, one at around 200k up and another at 5 million. That 5 million really needs to be at 3 or 4 million for omni, but whatever. I wasn't thinking about that when I sent it up with no way to adjust it afterwards. I do plan on making a south pole command post and maybe even one on the flip side of Kerbin from Mission Control because I can. Science might not always be possible but slippage in the kerbosync will no longer matter for control. This is KSP. Shoddy things make for interesting times.
  16. I look forward to trying these out. edit: Hmm. Most of these are simple copy/paste affairs with different targets. Not too inspiring and only money rewards.
  17. Very nice. Lots of coverage. Why not have polar Munar orbits?
  18. Just turn signal delay off if you use mechjeb. Mechjeb does many things on the fly and at the last minute. Signal delay is only going to destroy your vehicles.
  19. The round tubes probably just gave me the illusion of more space. A mod is not just "can I program this" or "how do I program this" but is also "how does this integrate into the actual game". "How will users use this." You do make a fair point on crash reports. I'll see about reproducing the jumping crash. edits: I am having a hard time reproducing the crash. I have noticed that leaving the area and going off to do other things like launch rockets and closing out the game has cleaned up my messy attachment done with a Kerbal on site. Before leaving the site the newly placed tunnels that were low to the ground would clip under the surface and start bouncing. Jumping and falling in or around a joint between tunnels and a 4x or 3x side piece tends to leave the Kerbal stuck on his belly, unable to get up, unless I hit 'r' to ready/unready the jetpack. That would seem to be a KSP thing and not a mod thing. This is all at the north pole of Kerbin with cleaned up attachment. Here's a very specific example of falling and being unable to get up, which is likely a KSP/Kerbal thing and not your mod but I don't know. http://i41.tinypic.com/15xssbo.jpg This Kerman was walking down the tunnel on the left and going to the "nt 4x side" piece when he fell over. wasd did nothing. He eventually very slowly slid about until he stood up on his own again. Falling and grabbing a tunnel floor can often get a stuck Kerbal unstuck, but the 4x and 3x pieces do not have this.
  20. Confirmed. Thank you Cilph for having a cfg so that sort of thing can be turned off. I wouldn't play with it on anyway.
  21. Just a small bump. Hate to edit my last post yet again. Pictures of a Kerbin polar base in progress. http://i39.tinypic.com/33myfk1.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/n3xegj.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/r2oikg.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/2f0fuvl.jpg Two Kerbins gave their lives dropping from orbit. Their seat belts did not hold. ...Oh, right. Those chairs don't have seat belts. It's a good thing the gantry had an antenna to hook up to the polar orbiter and there was a Kerbin already waiting in a habitat module. He made it back to the storage module in one piece. His habitat module was eaten by the K(AS)raken so I will have to send more. Here's the craft file (career mode) for Creepy Aunt. You will of course need Bavarian and KAS. Magnetic plates are on the back of the vehicle, ready to be picked up and installed by Kerbals. Just put the whole thing on top of a rocket. It's not perfectly balanced, so you'll be flying by the seat of your pants. Mechjeb does a pretty good job of getting into orbit from Kerbin. http://www.filedropper.com/creepyaunt You can just deploy the habitat modules with their parachutes in one go. They'll bunch up in the gantry but when you deploy the gantry parachutes it will slow down much faster, releasing the habitat modules.
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