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Everything posted by firegeek83

  1. Finally have a working mining operation on the mun. I just have the one vehicle & one storage depot atm, but there are two others en route to set up a continual refueling depot for landers. Here is the CMP3 and the transfer vehicle... which after re-servicing, heads over to the storage depot... and connects to the depot. Due to the depot's need to be placed in a flat area and proximity to the landing area, it was set about 1.1km away from the mining site. Plus some sort of safety rules enforced by that KOSHA agency says you can't store fuel near kethane deposits....go figure.
  2. Thanks! I definitely hear you with just simplifying the whole mining process down to just one vessel that does it all. I tried to come up with something like that, but it ended horribly. Your design looks pretty solid though; would like to see it in action. My driller was also to see how small I could get a mining rig in the hopes of getting it farther out there without a huge tug/transport. Have you gotten yours past the mun/minmus yet?
  3. Here's my newest mining op. After a series of "accidents" with manned vessels, I went back to an older design for a more reliable method of mining. After running trials on the Mun, I'm just about ready to send it to Ike. The CMP3 (compact mining platform, 3rd version). Can work independently of the transporter/fuel transfer vessel, but cannot travel on its own. Here is the CMP3 and the transporter/fuel transfer vessel together. Yes, the transporter can lift off and achieve orbit without tapping the main tank in low grav places. After locating a mining site, we have kethane! The plan is to drop 2 or 3 large fuel storage depots nearby that are used for the manned landers/orbital fuel transfer vehicles. A fuel truck will ferry the fuel back and forth via KAS.
  4. As I also voted for resources also (oh Kethane, how you hooked me in...), maybe a first step in implementing them would start out with up to 3 "primary" resources (for fuel, oxidizer, mono perhaps?) that could be tied in with a mission? After you complete the mission, you get the scanner/part to locate that resource. I'm fairly sure I'm not the only one who likes seeing what new parts are available after an update, so this be a way to bring both together. Here's some math on it: Incentive (resource)+ Action (mission) = Reward (resource/part) With this, you take a small step into each area and test it out. If it works, additional updates can include the "other resources & scanners/parts" that can be achieved through a mission completion. Now I'll head back up to my floating tin can
  5. Awesome design there. How many LVNs you using there?
  6. Definitely a game changer. I like to make sure that my crew has a way back home before committing to a trip. Was always curious if NASA has thought or could think about sending the means (resource,vessel,etc.) of a "return ticket" regarding manned missions to other planets.
  7. Thanks. I tried the same where I lander went down to Duna to ferry the crew, only I didn't have enough to get them back into orbit. Thus, I brought Kethane in and was able to revisit my Duna base and use Ike as a springboard to other planets. I would try it out and see if it works for you or not. It definitely helped me to slim down my manned vessels, knowing they'd link up with the refuel station and/or resupply vessel
  8. Only stock huh? I understand that. If we had stock resources, I wouldn't be using kethane. My only difference from yours is that I set up a robotic refuel station & driller before I send my manned vessel. The DSV (manned). Can deploy a small outpost. Ike refueling station Driller/resupply vessel
  9. Interesting design. I like the "modular" angle you've chosen. I'm in the process of doing something as you are, but my design is a little different. I'm curious as to the mass (w/total fuel) of your ships before you depart Kerbin. Have you also looked into bringing in Kethane for your outpost?
  10. Here's an updated version of my DSV: Kethane Platform. It's setup to travel to the destination first, drill & refuel while the manned mission is en route. After arrival, the manned craft links up with the DSV:KP, refuels and heads home. That's the plan, at least.
  11. Hmmm...well it is still a "test series", so the basic layout could be configured to be a kinetic weapons delivery platform (hint hint for you modders!). The previous version had solar panels, but the concealed RTGs in this one kept the collision factor down.
  12. New setup I went with for my Acheron Series Stations. Here it is with the my escape pod and tug vessel
  13. I hear you there. I'm hoping the stock resources includes a stack mounted driller as well. The radial is nice, but going back to keeping light (and balanced) is difficult with that. I barely got my mining rig down to 5.5 tons
  14. Will remember that when I bring up the next tug version. I've planned on using bigger tanks, but needed to test out a few things off planet to see what works and what doesn't. I couldn't believe the power generation (which I can now eliminate two panels), I had the drills on all the time while converting. The Kethane extraction was the bottleneck....never expected that.
  15. My mining rig +fuel tug on the Mun. Decided to try the test on one of my earlier sites. Here's a test running both drills while converting to LF (not the most efficient, I know), but look at the power....not a dent.
  16. That's great to hear! I hear you on the RCS though. I so wanted to put that on my mining rig, but you have to make sacrifices to keep weight down. Have you tried testing your 4-in-1 mining on Minmus yet? I just cleared 5000km on my setup, so next stop is the testing field on Minmus!
  17. Thanks. The lower stage is the mining rig that has four RTGs that have been placed out of view (trick I found). The panels on the fuel tug are just there as a supplemental power source for the moment. I'm thinking of using bigger panels to take advantage of when its "daytime" at the mining site. Both units are designed to work together, but can function independently on their own.
  18. Here's what I've been working on so far.. Decided to go for a light tug to get the feel of using LVNs. Once I test this out, I'll size out additional tanks. the first round of tests...if it can make it to 5000km, it passes
  19. will do, thanks for idea! As for MJ, I can definitely confirm that Land at Target feature works. I almost landed right on top of my other rig earlier. Talk about panic when I saw where I was headed right before the suicide burn.
  20. Makes sense, I see how you're doing this now. I'll try this out and see how it does out at the Minmus test site.
  21. Hmm, I may have to try something like that then.. What's your method of moving the mining rig about on the surface? Do you try to hop to the next site or pull a low orbit and set down?
  22. Interesting. I take it the tug ferries the fuel up to orbit after it's topped off and the mining rig hangs on for the ride (in case of relocation for kethane)?
  23. so how does the mini miner link up with the fuel tug on the surface? I like the idea of slimming down the mining package to as small as possible (nice job btw), but I suppose I'd have to see this in action to see where you're going with it.
  24. if you look at the Mk.2 (right lander), there is where I placed the RTGs
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