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Everything posted by firegeek83

  1. Awesome release Nertea! Your mod is now stock for my KSP from here on out. Nice touch with the Mk4 drone core Cylon Eye.
  2. Quick reinstall of HC got it working with the right click menu. Should have done that first haha
  3. Nertea, Have you had any issues with the radiator panels not opening? I've placed them on both stock pieces and various reactors from NFE, but I'm not seeing anything. Does the thermal limit need to be hit for them to unfold or am I missing something?
  4. /random fireman here who agrees //wait a minute...this train doesn't look safe ///carry on everyone (opens window to jump out) ////quad slashie
  5. A completely new approach to Kethane drilling. Essentially a self contained intermodal drilling rig that can function as a surface resupply point. Can also be outfitted with a skycrane or additional tanks as needed. and yes, it can be flown up with minimal expense with an SSTO. Drone-97_Heavy made it enough fuel to transport to the Mun.
  6. Oh I know Squad can't fix Verizon nor should they (have to get my jab in at Vz when I can). I'm simply asking if they've given any thought to torrent files for non-Steam files. A torrent file essentially allows access to a completed file (ex: KSP0.xx.zip) through which a user can start, stop & resume when they can without losing the accumulated file. Essentially you download the file in one shot (like most smaller downloads from sites) or as you can in increments (connection permitting). My issue is with downloading the file through the browser when it is interrupted, you lose all that accumulated file (such as in the 90% territory). With a torrent, you simply pick up where you left off when you reconnect. We'll keep the seeders/leachers aspect for later.
  7. Unless this has already been brought up, has Squad given any thought to setting up a way to utilize torrents as an alternative to downloading new versions (hint hint .90)? I bring this up due to those of us who have run into the 90% download completion, only to have it interrupted or some other perfectly timed roadblock (looking at you Verizon )
  8. Rofl, have you thought about the Valkyrie (XB70)?
  9. Just went online last night. Designed to be completely modular, the Babylon station currently has a Command module, habitation module and power module (with detachable solar panels) that can be expanded as needed. The two ming tugs (at each pole) do most of the "moving" around with either a docking port or grabbing claw. Should be adding the docking and science modules later. I haven't done this in career mode yet as the price tag tops over 500K. The shuttle docked with the mini tug grabbed
  10. Been going over the thread and I'm still stuck at the moment. I'm using Linux Mint 17 XFCE (x32) and extracted KSP .25_linux to my home folder (zip file from store). Whenever I try to run the KSPx86/Launcherx86, I just receive a message for selecting the appropriate app to use. Now, I've used Linux for quite some time now but not with games. I attempted to execute with Wine, but received a Mono error. It appears I'm missing something and am wondering if anyone here can assist me in this. My laptop can run KSP just fine when I boot to Win7 so the hardware shouldn't be an issue (AMD driver). I'm looking to ultimately remove Windows, but not until I know I can run KSP on the other side.
  11. Great job with .25 Squad!! The inclusion of Porkjet's mod was a great touch (kudos to Porkjet as well!). Is there any chance that you'll use any other mods that Porkjet has created, like the Habitat Pack v0.4 or even additional cargo bays for 1.5m & 2.5m in cylinder form?
  12. Anyone come across the bug where when flying, every time you hit Spacebar to advance a stage, the crew report window pops up also? I've checked the keyboard inputs, but nothing to suggest this. I've since remapped to another key, but am interested if anyone else had this. KSP(x32) vanilla Win7
  13. Thanks. The design allows for the use of each ion engine bank at half throttle with no energy use and RCS movement.The bigger version I'm working (Hammerhead) will be able to carry 4 Kerbals, KAS winches and a rover for full deployment.
  14. After watching Discovery Channel's Alien Planet, I had to make my own floating explorer. Each package is sent with the explorer unit and the resupply unit. The explorer unit can haul the resupply unit with it, but I keep it landed and reconnect when the explorer is low.
  15. Hooligan, your mod is great! I just discovered your probe sized part which has completely redesigned my probe missions to atmosphere planets. Any chance Squad will look into stocking your mod? It would interesting to see how many shapes these airship envelopes can come in on top of what you've created (like torus or spheres).
  16. Not this version. This one is for a Laythe mission to test out the design before I put a crew pod on, in case there's an issue. Once I test that out, then I'll swap out the probe core for a crew pod.
  17. Here's my shot at a lightweight stock SSTO. The SH3 comes in at 5.55t and is preset to make it to low orbit before the fuel runs out. For those of you struggling with stock SSTOs (as I was), this should help out. For best results, try this: After leaving runway on a 90 heading, pull up to 90 degrees line (or 45 degree incline from navball horizon) until you reach 1000-1500 meters (should hold course after that). Level off at 16K-17K to build up speed. Don't worry about flame out, the ceiling max is 40K+. Once you hit orbit, hit group 1 and throttle up from 1/3 to half way (any more will make the nose rise). That should do it! https://www.dropbox.com/s/mopftoagesw7mmk/Stock%20Hawk%20III.craft
  18. Your originals may be better formatted though. When you FireShot a whole page, the "height" of the page vs the width is somewhat disporportionate. However, if you don't care for such things (as I don't), then I'll upload them this weekend.
  19. Sweet! I knew my Simpsons trivia would pay off eventually
  20. Great idea there. I've been using FireShot (FireFox plugin) to create such a pdf guide. Great job Pecan.
  21. Interesting ship & mission you have there...Chief Wiggum would be proud.
  22. ....fair enough, didn't catch that until after the post. But you were helpful in pointing that out..
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