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Everything posted by NuclearWarfare

  1. I love Plerborian. His latest ep was a few hours before the update, but I think a new episode will be out today or tommorrow.... He uses mods and has great plans, which is a giant ship that will travel the universe.
  2. So I decided with 0.17 to see how getting planes in orbit would be. I made some weird contraption, and after my orbital mission, I had just enough fuel to get my orbit down. But something amazing happened. At the 36000 mark, it started going back up. I was upset because I could not get a picture, but I promise you it happened. When I went back around, it decided to enter the atmosphere and bring me home... I don't know how this happened but it was amazing.
  3. So when I heard about the update I was estatic. Two hours later and finally I am able to download the patcher. Patcher goes through 10 minute update only to say an error and asked me if I had small amount of disk space. I have far from enough. I downloaded the full game again, and it won't open so I can unzip it. It says something about archive... I'm sorry I can't remember but I seriously don't want to redownload these again to check.... I'm really upset and don't know what to do... Please help! I don't know why these errors are occuring.
  4. Hello fellow aeroneers! Its time to announce the surprise.. Which is a shoutout from Pleborian, a very amazing guy who does Lets Plays on KSP, plus many other games. You can check that out Here! I hope for many orders from people watching the video. The shoutout is said when he is on the launchpad. Check out his series, which is really cool. He has awesome plans for the coming 0.17.
  5. I've got a nice gift for all you guys for making the business a successful start. All I can say is, in the next few days, we might expect a good ammount of orders. More info soon
  6. Thats fine. Did your super-fast plane get shipped to you? I wanted the Postkerbal to send it to your doorstep, but thats "too dangerous for our customers."
  7. Cool beans. Also, I'm starting to add the files so everyone can now enjoy the personal ships too!
  8. Thank you for inquiring, but we really need experianced aeroneers. Don't take this offensively! Once you practice some more and show me a plane or two, I will happily accept you.
  9. Hey giggleplex. Thank you for choosing us. Our receptionist mustwinfull will appoint your order to a certain aeroneer and it will be done soon!
  10. No, no I must have worded that wrong. The planes do make it in the air, like the description you said Vexx
  11. Sometimes it depends. Some of my Cyclone aircraft don't take off till I leave the runway. Once it hits the end of the runway it will boost off the little peak from the runway to the ground.
  12. Don't worry my friend! Neither have I made it to the Mun, but practice makes perfect. Pointing your rocket, thrusting, and making the rocket head towards the Mun isn't a good way to get there. I can't explain this much at all, but please look at these great tutorials for an in-dept explanation of how to get to the Mun, and all kinds of other tutorials as well. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/15652-Orbital-Mechanics-101-A-Kerbal-Space-Program-Tutorial
  13. Okay guys, I'm really sorry I've been gone for the past day or two... But I'll try to get on as much as I can. Alilooong has been very kind and took control, which is why Ali is getting a promotion to Production Manager. Congrats! Hopefully Version .17 will include Docking so we can hopefully make a Cyclone Space Satellite, CSS, for short.
  14. I don't know about letting other group leaders in... It just sounds wrongly to do so.
  15. I think Transport should include Cargo, I mean, it makes sense. Transporting Cargo.
  16. You are the only one getting it, but I guess you mean you don't want it super easy to fly?
  17. Sure thing, just please remember to check in the thread to handle simple questions, if anybody requests a plane, please forward it to me to review the order and appoint an Aeroneer to get the job done.
  18. Perfect, I have all of the parts and plugins needed. I'll get to work on your personal plane, but what kind would you like? Fighter jet, cargo, or transport?
  19. MMI pack (No kethane pack stuff please), just the Satellite and Payload pack if that would be fine. Thank you, Farce.
  20. Hello. I'm NuclearWarfare, CEO of the new team of Aeroneers, Cyclone Aero-Labs. I need a satellite along with a Launch vehicle. The satellite doesn't need to be huge, just something I can send Intel around the globe to my planes. I know you do this for free, but I'm willing to build you a plane that you can have, but not share.
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