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Everything posted by SinPistones

  1. Con el que a ti te plazca, es tu juego y tu decides como es mas divertido para ti.
  2. I don't like just saying "me too" but... I'm having the same problem, click that EVA button and my green dude launches from the door into space. Good thing they don't fly out a too high a speed.
  3. Pues a mi he ha gustado la llegada del "capitalismo" al programa espacial. Le agrega otra arista al juego, ya no se trata de fabricar la cosa mas monstruos que puedas para llegar a algun lado sino hacerlo con eficiencia, ademas puedes ponerte a cortar costos y no se, ahorrar en paracaidas En fin, me ha gustado el update simplemente por los constraints que pone al juego, asi me obliga a pensar en soluciones raras para cumplir ciertos requerimientos. Notable tambien la posibilidad de apagar ciertas funciones en el debug menu para hacerlo aun mas dificil. Y para cuando uno no quiere tener que lidiar con presupuestos y la prensa reclamando que los kerbals explosaron en el lanzamiento: Modo sandbox
  4. Exactamente. Y ese es el problema, le quita valor a tener que cranearse alguna forma de devolver los experimentos de vuelta al planeta. Igual quedan muchos updates por delante asi que se iran eliminando los exploits eventualmente.
  5. Es mas facil ir a minmus que mun con partes basicas, la gravedad es tan baja que es facil aterrizar. Solo hay que estar atento a que no se agoten las baterias.
  6. Lo de los porcentajes es simple: Si un reporte, experimento o lo que sea vale 10 puntos, si el boton de transmision dice 60% obtienes 60% de los puntos iniciales o 100% de ellos si recuperas el experimento en Kerbin. Igual viendo como funciona el tema de los puntos de ciencia (cada bioma tiene un balde de puntos limitado) sale mas a cuenta transmitir varias veces hasta que se agote el balde que tratar de regresar los experimentos al planeta.
  7. I noticed a "Run in AMD compatibility mode" option in the launcher. So it says don't use if you don't know what you're doing and since I use an AMD processor curiosity got the better of me, turned it on only to find it does absolutely nothing. At least not something I can notice. Anyone has some info on this?
  8. Falta seguir puliendo lo nuevo, pero agrega bastante al juego, no creen? Con todas los problemas y exploits que tiene el tech tree como esta ahora yo sigo manteniendo mi impresion inicial:
  9. Extraño, las patas LT-1 ya ni siquiera usan ese modelo, asi que aunque estuviesen las texturas seguiria siendo raro. El juego lo bajaste de la tienda o steam?
  10. I asked about this to Maxmaps on the last KSPTV livestream (and so too did a lot of people) and he said they wanted something like that. So I guess it will eventually come, long term experiments on space stations, stuff like that.
  11. I absolutely agree with the OP, and I'm pretty sure the guys at Squad have something similar in their heads. What we got now in .22 is just a taste of what's coming in the future. The only thing we need is patience and give good feedback
  12. Instead of simulating/calculating the physhics for a tether, why not use something like a hard distance the cosmonaut can move from the craft, like you have a 100m "rope" then you put invisible walls 100m around the thing and just draw a rope that does nothing? Just saying, the idea might be incredibly dumb, but it's an idea
  13. O simplemente mucha practica hasta poder aterizar de forma normal Total, nadie nació sabiendo todo.
  14. Just to clarify the OP. In Spanish (and maybe other languagues) Assist can mean either help or attend (relative to an event) so I figure that's what he or she meant by that.
  15. Pasa tambien a veces que las naves agarran rotaciones medias raras cuando hay partes que se estan "clipeando" (nunca he encontrado una traduccion adecuada) y en mi caso cuando eso ocurre, apenas apago el ASAS la cosa se vuelve loca.
  16. Si crees que los Argentinos no usan bien el Español, creo que no nos has escuchado mucho a los Chilenos. Yo no se como la gente entiende lo que hablo
  17. Since I don't want to shamelessly plug myself... oh wait. Anyway my series is in spanish. If you're looking for good, fun content you have to check out ThorLP and his insane rockets division, it's pure madness.
  18. I can't find the original post (or know the original poster for that matter) but someone already made the old free versions of KSP and they're available at: http://manitcor.com/ksp/demos/ You can find almost every version there up to the last free one which was .13.3, .18.3 is also available since it's a demo.
  19. Yeah, well you could also calculate the available Delta-V but the math gets quite more complex (for me, I barely passed calculus) and then Kerbal engineer or mechjeb's vessel info window become super useful
  20. My only grief now is trying to make HW work in a decent 16:9 resolution on windows 7. Damn!
  21. There are rumours that the Kerbals are working on some cloning technology, so you *might* see them again. And Jeb is immortal. (at least in my game)
  22. Holy poop. I concur, this is awesome indeed.
  23. Nope, 2GB. I'm convinced it's my processor that's bottlenecking the whole thing but I can't upgrade for now. Anyway as long as I don't IVA while looking at the ocean it's all dandy
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