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Everything posted by comham

  1. Well, there's not really any such thing as a "small scale" kessler syndrome. Either you've buggered up your planets orbit, or you haven't. But you're right about the on-rails thing. That and no tiny bits of debris = no kessler syndrome. Although with KSP's atmosphere cutoff, you wouldn't have self-cleaning either, since irl Kessler syndrome clears up after a while due to debris re-entering.
  2. That's pretty good! I wish KSP looked like that.
  3. That is pretty impressive. Bullet integration is now on my wishlist for KSP.
  4. Check twitter on my phone. Same as taking a long hike in Arma 2/3
  5. The tandem mirror fusion engine? Make sure you've tested it enough is all I can say.
  6. Is it even possible to migrate the project to a different technology at this late stage of development? Surely that would lead to Duke Nukem Forever problems. There's a fairly large fraction of this forum who have no idea how video games are made and work. And even among the people who do have a grasp of that, remember that this is SQUAD's first video game project. Opting for Unity was sensible, even if it leaves KSP lacking. For KSP2, they can have more freedom. Maybe even do a kickstarter. Any game dealing with hundreds of colliding parts is going to run like a rhino, certainly, but KSP does seem run on the slower side of the possible speeds. Compare Red Faction Guerilla or (even better) Wildebeest Games "Detonate".
  7. That is merely due to lack of will. Of course, a space race with PRC would be different from a space race with the USSR, for obvious reasons. It would probably be slower.
  8. Size doesn't really come into it though. Although I suppose you could try and show things are actually the length they supposedly are by measuring how long it takes them to cross their own length at a certain speed.
  9. Talking about "meters" in videogame worlds doesn't make any sense at all unless you've got something real to compare it to (I would say "yardstick" but that's staggeringly inappropriate). It makes sense in arma 2, a realistic simulator. It doesn't make sense in KSP, or minecraft, or supreme commander. There's nothing in KSP to use as a reference.
  10. It's a really good game for just trying things and learning from mistakes. It's very intuitive.
  11. Defying gravity was a real missed opportunity.
  12. Possibly rename that resource Plant Nutrients or Fertiliser, as it might be possible to misread it initially as nutrients, as in kerbal food.
  13. Yeah, it's because this is an in-progress alpha. I'd recommend not playing till the full game is released, really, otherwise the fixes will seem trivial in comparison to the amount of time you've played for.
  14. It's just a generic intentional mis-spelling. It didn't come from anywhere, unlike "pwn".
  15. I suppose you could have a part facing "up" on the craft and then select "control from here" so the "front" of the craft by the navball is then changed 90 degrees. But, yeah, that's just a kludge, a plugin would be ideal.
  16. The LK is pretty brilliant. It was worth watching Apollo 18 just to see "authentic-like" footage of an LK on the moon. That's not really a spoiler since they show it in the trailer.
  17. It was comprehensible, I've seen worse, I don't think it really merits a comment. Amazing parts, udk. Fantastic quality.
  18. Stuff that requires two active pilots, like White Knight/SpaceShipOne. As it is, one of them is going to crash.
  19. I'm not sure you quite understand what the pre-purchase-for-beta pricing model entails.
  20. If you're a professional (or just an adult) you should know how crappy the media are at reporting health or science stories. Partially this is due to how the media is structured and partly it is just plain old ignorance. I recommend these two books http://www.amazon.co.uk/Flat-Earth-News-Award-winning-Distortion/dp/0099512688 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bad-Science-Ben-Goldacre/dp/000728487X If I had more dosh I'd buy copies of these two books for every school within 50 miles of me. (Also, Sophies World, and A Short History of Nearly Everything).
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